Questions to Help Complete Your Examination of Conscience

O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.   —Luke 18:13

Many of us may be tempted to begin our examination of conscience when we get in line at the confessional. However, you don’t want to get caught in the middle of your examination when it is your turn to go in to the confessional. If you don’t regularly examine your conscience, it may take awhile before you are fully prepared. Next time you go to confession, consider preparing before you go; for one should not simply just go to confession, but rather make the best confession possible.

One of the essential pieces in the Rite of Penance is the examination of conscience. We take an internal self-examination of our spiritual life and bring to light those sins that keep us from a more intimate relationship with Christ. Here, we recall our sins and faults committed since our last confession, or any other sins from our past which we have not yet confessed.

There are several ways to make a good examination of conscience. One of the easiest and most common ways to examine your conscience is by turning to the Ten Commandments for guidance. In this way you will prepare your heart and mind for confession by contemplating on the Word of God. You should pray the Hail Mary to ask the Blessed Mother’s help. Ask the Holy Ghost to enlighten your mind on what you need to confess, and ask your guardian angel to help you remember also the things you need to confess, because he has been the sad witness of all your sins that have offended Almighty God. Hail Mary…

Each of the Ten Commandments can be broken down into questions. For example, if you ask yourself if you have killed someone – for most of us it is an obvious “no.” But, we may fail to grasp the entirety of the commandment. We may not have physically killed an individual, but have we emotionally, physically, or spiritually hurt ourselves and others?  This brings the fifth commandment into a whole new light. The examination of conscience below is based on the Ten Commandments. Begin by praying. This will put you in the best frame of mind for recalling your sins.

PRAYER BEFORE CONFESSION BY ST. JEROME: “Show me, O Lord, Your mercy, and delight my heart with it. Let me find You whom I so longingly seek. Behold, here is the man whom the robbers seized, manhandled, and left half dead on the road to Jericho. Kind-hearted Samaritan, come to my aid! I am the sheep who wandered into the wilderness. Seek after me and bring me home again to Your fold.  Do with me according to Your Will, that I may abide with You all the days of my life, and praise You with all those who are with You in heaven for all eternity. Amen.”

Here are 99 questions to prayerfully consider before going to confession

99 Questions Examination of Conscience

“I am the Lord, your God.  You shall have no other gods besides me.”

1. Have I doubted or denied God’s existence?

2. Have I been ungrateful to God for His benefits?

3. Am I open to God’s will?

4. Do I rely solely on myself and not on God?

5. Have I abandoned the Catholic Faith? “There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism.’’ Eph. 4:5.

6. Have I joined a non-Catholic church or anti-Catholic group? Protestant, Jewish, etc. “He who preaches a different gospel is anathema, Gal. 1:8. Which means, he is cursed to hell if he doesn’t amend.

7. Have I refused to believe any truths of the Faith or any teachings of the Church? “Charity…believeth all things,” 1 Cor. Chapter 13.

8. Did I fail to profess or defend the Catholic Faith?

9. Have I failed to go to confession at least once a year?

10. Have I been faithful to my daily prayers?

11. Have I practiced any superstitions?

12. Am I unwilling to turn away from everything that is opposed to God’s work in my soul?

“You shall not take the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.”

 13. Have I taken the Lord’s name in vain, for example, carelessly, in anger, or surprise?

14. Do I speak irreverently of holy persons, places or things?

15. Have I cursed myself or others? Cursing brings curses; blessing brings blessings. “As a man shall sow, so shall he reap.”

16. Did I use profanity? “He that hath no guard over his speech, shall meet with evils.” Proverbs 13:3.

17. Have I called down evil upon anyone or anything?

18. Did I get angry with God?

19. Have I angered others so as to make them curse? Instigated them to sin?

20. Have I broken a vow made to God? “I shall pay my vows to the Lord for my salvation.” Jonah 2:10.    “Having damnation, because they have made void their first faith.” Footnote, That is, their first vow.

[1 Timothy 5:12]

21. Have I murmured or complained about God?

“Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy.”

 22. Did I miss Mass on a Sunday or a Holy Day of Obligation?

23. Did I arrive to Mass late or leave early?

24. Did I receive Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin? A horrible sacrilege. Jesus told St. Bridget: “There does not exist on earth a punishment severe enough to punish a sacrilegious Communion.”

25. Have I been irreverent while receiving the Most Blessed Sacrament?

26. Have I been willfully distracted during Mass?

27. Do I distract others during Mass?

28. Have I done unnecessary work on Sunday? Have I shopped on Sunday without real necessity? Commercializing on Sunday is a sin.

“Honor your father and your mother.”

 29. Have I disobeyed, insulted, or shown disrespect to my parents or legitimate superiors?

30. Did I neglect my duties to my husband, wife, children or parents?

31. Did I neglect to give a good religious example to my family?

32. Am I disrespectful, impolite, or discourteous toward my family?

33. Have I failed to meet my children’s physical, spiritual, emotional, and educational needs?

34. Have I disobeyed the lawful demands of my superiors, teachers, or employer?

35. Did I fail to actively take an interest in the religious education and formation of my children?

36. Did I cause anyone to leave the Catholic Church? Apostasy. Jesus said we must hear his church, and threatened damnation to those who did not. “If he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen, and the tax collector.” St. Matthew 18:17. Most Catholics are not aware of this threat of damnation if we leave his Church.

37. Did I cause tension and fights in my family?

38. Did I care for my aged and infirm relatives?

“You shall not kill.”

 39. Did I kill or physically injure anyone?

40. Did I have an abortion, or advise someone else to have an abortion?

41. Do I use artificial contraception or birth control? “Be fruitful and multiply,” God said. God killed Onan for birth control, and wasting his seed, Genesis 38:10. Also, the seven husbands of Sara were all killed by a devil, because they married her from lust, and not prosperity of children. “Then Tobias answered, and said: I hear that she hath been given to seven husbands, and they all died: moreover I have heard, that a devil killed them.” And the angel Raphael said to him: Hear me, and I will shew thee who they are, over whom the devil can prevail. For they who in such manner receive matrimony, as to shut out God from themselves, and from their mind, and to give themselves to their lust, as the horse and mule, which have not understanding, over them the devil hath power.” Tobias 6:14, 16-17. That is, the devil hath power over those who practice birth control.

42. Have I entertained thoughts of suicide, desired to commit suicide, or attempted suicide?

43. Have I participated in euthanasia or assisted suicide?

44. Have I placed others in harms way, by driving or texting inappropriately? Too fast, careless, not paying attention, etc.

45. Have I failed to help someone in danger or in need?

46. Do I drink or smoke excessively or abuse prescribed drugs?

47. Have I wished evil on anyone?

48. Do I deliberately harbor unkind and revengeful thoughts about others?

49. Have I taken revenge?

50. Have I used harsh or abusive language toward others?

51. Have I spread gloom through my words and actions?

52. Is there anyone with whom I refuse to speak, or against whom I bear a grudge?

53. Have I taken pleasure in anyone’s misfortunes?

54. Have I led others into sin? Bad example, cursing, immodest dress, etc

“You shall not commit adultery” and “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife”

 55. Did I commit impure acts with another – fornication (premarital sex) or adultery (sex with a married person)?

56. Did I commit impure acts by myself (masturbation)?

57. Do I engage in homosexual acts?

58. Have I refused my spouse the marriage right without good reason?

59. Am I dating someone who is civilly divorced but still bound by a valid marriage?

60. Did I marry or advise anyone to marry outside the Catholic Church?

61. Have I willfully entertained impure thoughts or desires?

62. Did I respect all members of the opposite sex, or have I objectified them?

63. Have I read, listened to, viewed, or spoken of impure things?

64. Have I worn revealing or immodest clothing? The sin most displeasing to God in women. There is a story in the book HELL AND HOW TOO AVOID HELL, page 81, of a woman who went to hell mainly for the sin of immodesty. For how to dress properly, go to for a thorough instruction on what is proper, not only for women but also for men. Also, how we are to dress in church, God’s house. And remember, our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Should always be adorned properly.

“The immodest…shall not inherit the kingdom of heaven.” Galatians 5”19-21.

65. Have I succumbed occasions of impurity?

“You shall not steal.”

 66. Have I stolen money or property?

67. Have I cheated?

68. Have I failed to make restitution for what I stole?

69. Have I intentionally damaged property?

70. Have I accepted or bought stolen property?

71. Have I helped someone steal?

72. Am I dishonest in my business dealings?

73. Have I failed to make restitution for my stealing, cheating and frauds?

74. Do I gamble excessively? “And they threw lots for his garments.”

75. Have I borrowed without permission?

76. Have I failed to return things borrowed?

77. Did I waste time at work, school or at home? Looking at my phone unnecessarily, killing time talking excessively, etc.

78. Have I cheated my employer of an honest day’s work?

79. Have I cheated my employees of their wages? Have I been spurious in my spending, while paying my employees as cheap as I can get by with?

80. Have I refused or neglected to help anyone in urgent need?

“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

 81. Have I lied deliberately? “Liars shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”

82. Have I deliberately misled or deceived anyone?

83. Did I gossip or reveal others’ faults or sins? Detraction: revealing things about others unnecessarily that should be kept secret. Calumny: Lying on my neighbor.

84. Have I failed to keep promises or oaths?

85. Have I signed false documents?

86. Have I failed to prevent the defamation of another’s character?

87. Have I revealed secrets and betrayed trust?

88. Do I make false judgments and harbor false suspicions? Speculating. “Judge just judgement,: St. John 7:24; THAT IS, ACCORDING TO THE FACTS. *

89. Have a failed to forgive someone or held a grudge?

90. Have I failed to apologize or make amends?

91. Did I fail to keep secret what should be confidential?

92. Have I disclosed another’s sins without serious reason?

“Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods.

 93. Am I greedy or selfish? Love of money, “the deceitfulness of riches,” Matthew 13:22

94. Am I envious of someone’s possessions, talents, or blessings?

95. Do I indulge in self-pity?

96. Am I proud, vain, or desire to be praised?

97. Have I exaggerated my success?

98. Have I minimized or made excuses for my failures?

99. Have I measured my charity by what others have given, rather than my ability to give?

Going to confession can be overwhelming and uncomfortable. This list of questions is extensive and can be daunting. It can be hard to say out loud the things in our lives that we have done wrong. Rather than looking down upon your failings, let the sorrow for sin help you overcome them. Look upon this sacrament as an opportunity to make full reparation for your sins, and restore your soul’s relationship with God. If you are reluctant to go to confession remember God’s mercy and compassion.

“Though your sins be like scarlet, they shall become white as snow. Though they be red like crimson, they shall become white as wool.” (Isiah 1:18)  Remember, Christ came into the world to save sinners!

  • Most people think when Jesus told us not to judge, he was forbidding all judgement. No, he was forbidding rash judgement, and uncharitable judgement, not usually based on facts, but speculation.
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