These words of Our Lord say to us that if we really knew the gift of God, we would indeed be doing all we could to obtain it. Like the man in the Gospel who found a treasure hidden in a field, and went and sold all he had and went and bought that field, if we really knew the gift of God, and its worth, we would be willing to sacrifice everything to obtain it. And indeed, this is exactly what many of the saints did do, like St. Francis of Assisi for example, and St. Anthony of Padua, who were both wealthy and gave up everything to follow Christ. But what is this ‘’gift of God’’ which Jesus is speaking of? It is primarily His grace, which makes us friends of God, and puts us in possession of an infinite treasure, God himself, and eternal felicity, or eternal happiness if we are faithful to him.  “An infinite treasure to men, which they that use become the friends of God.”’ Wisdom 7:14.

     But our minds being finite, cannot comprehend and appreciate this infinite treasure as we ought. “Man knoweth not the price thereof.” Job 28:13. However, this gift of God also refers to Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament, Holy Communion with God; the Holy Eucharist, the Bread of Life, St. John 6:48; ‘’the living bread which came down from heaven,’’ (not symbolic bread); the ‘’bread of angels,’’ , Psalms 77:25;  ‘’the Word made flesh which dwelt among us,’’ St. John 1:14; and continues to dwell among us night and day in all the tabernacles of the world; our hidden treasure, hidden in the holy Mass under the appearances of bread and wine; in the tabernacle, where Our Lord dwells with us ‘’till the consummation of the world.’’ St. Matt 28:19-20;  our  pearl of great price, 13:46, and the ‘’ fountain of living water.” St. John 7:37.

     Our Lady in The Mystical City of God calls it, “the exquisite gift;’’  Pope John Paull II called it in his encyclical; ‘’The Inestimable Gift,’’ and St. Paul, ‘’the unspeakable gift.’’ 2 Corinthians 9:15. But most people do not know this gift of God, even many Catholics. This is evident by the irreverence shown in our churches by the worldly conversations taking place in the House of God, the holy place, contrary to God’s command in the Old Testament to keep silence in the holy place. Habaccuc 2:20, ‘’ But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.’’ St. Jacinta at Fatima said, “Our Lady does not want us to talk in church.” Also,  how irreverently do many Catholics go to Holy Communion, walking up looking around at everyone else rather than heads bowed in prayer. Then they stand for Holy Communion , face to face with God, rather than kneeling before him, the King of the universe, on the same level as He. Is it appropriate, to level God with man? “I will not level God with man.” says holy Job, 32:21. They then receive Him in their hands, (the majority), rather than on their tongues, which Pope Paul VI to his credit said, “It is an act of reverence to receive on the tongue.’’ In 1969 Pope Paul VI, with serious misgivings, published Memoriale Domini and opened the fateful door to communion-in-the-hand. * He stated that the traditional way of receiving on the tongue was preferable, and then spelled out the threat to Holy Communion with very specific warnings:  “A change in a matter of such moment, based on a most ancient and venerable tradition, does not merely affect discipline. It carries certain dangers with it which may arise from the new manner of administering Holy Communion: the danger of a loss of reverence for the august sacrament of the altar, of profanation, of adulterating the true doctrine…” St. Thomas Acquinas, considered by many the greatest theologian in the Church said, concerning the Eucharist, “Nothing touches the Host except that which is consecrated…thus the priest’s hands are consecrated…’’ for this purpose.  Notice  Pope  Paul VI called this  ‘’ a most ancient and venerable tradition.’’  He warned about the dangers to come. Loss of reverence is at an all time high. Many priests and laity no longer genuflect when passing Our Lord in the tabernacle. The Blessed Sacrament is oftentimes profaned, Hosts dropped, Hosts found in churches; Hosts stolen. One woman was caught stealing Hosts in Louisville, Ky from Guardian Angels parish. The Precious Blood is oftentimes spilt. Fr. Miles at St. Margaret Mary gave a stern warning to the congregation about the precious Blood that was spilt, confirmed by a witness who was there. Adulteration of true doctrine is at an all time high because the majority of Catholics no longer really believe in Christ’s real presence, and millions of Catholics have left the faith since the introduction of the new Mass.

     The ‘’Gift of God’’ is not really appreciated and reverenced for what it truly is, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and second Person of the Most Holy Trinity,.   Also, the bread of life for the salvation and eternal happiness of our souls. It is by means of this inestimable gift that we hope to be raised up on the last day. ‘’ He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.’’ St. John 6:55.  Again,  the conditions laid down by Rome for Communion in the hand are not being observed by the clergy. For example, and this is a proof of what I say, people are supposed to take care, lest any Particles are dropped. They are supposed to look in their hands for Particles. How many do you see who do this? Even the clergy themselves, in concelebrated Masses who take Communion in the hand do not look in their hands for Particles. Fr. Nicholas Gruner, R. I. P., said when he would be present at another priest’s Mass would not even take in the hand but on the tongue. And yet, Fr. Isaac Relyea, a good traditional priest, says that Particles are being embedded in the carpets. And Jesus finds Himself being trodden underfoot. “Have mercy on me, O God, for man hath trodden me underfoot.” Psalms 55:2. This is profanation without parallel!  Why are only a few of the clergy aware of these things? Is it because, as Our Lady of LaSalette said, “The clergy have given up prayer, and the devil has bedimmed their intelligence?”  This message of our Blessed Mother was approved by the Church, and what she had to say about the ministers is terrible. Read it here: http://goo.gl/9SVBR1

     When one is returning from Holy Communion, the same for going to Holy Communion, they should have their hands folded properly, as our Blessed Mother, eyes cast down, and praying inwardly to Our Lord whom they have just received, blocking out distractions, with modesty and gravity.  One should be praying inwardly while going to Communion and when receiving.  When receiving, they should receive Holy Communion on their knees at an altar rail, ladies with heads covered. (1) This is usually only possible at a traditional Mass. But a transition from the new Mass to the traditional would be a wise move, ** because all the gestures of reverence are in the old Mass, those required by the priest, and those required by the people. For example, why did they quit using the paten under the chin? Did all the danger of the Host or Particles falling disappear with Communion in the hand?  Hardly. They increased a hundred times over.    But this is the way one should go to Holy Communion. This is true reverence. In The Mystical City of God, it says Our Lady made three profound prostrations on the way to Holy Communion. If we are inwardly recollected, praying to Our Lord and Our Lady, and not curiously looking around at who else is going, then Our Communions will be fruitful, and we will receive many graces. As we are walking up with heads bowed, we should be recollected  saying Communion prayers and ejaculations. St. Theresa of Avila said: “Our Lord is not disposed to pay badly for His lodging if He is received well.”  Spending  time with him after Mass when possible also brings great graces. St. Alphonsus said: “Oh! What treasures of grace do they lose who pray but a short time to God after Holy  Communion!”  Some people, who may feel a need to go soon after Mass, may continue their Thanksgiving on the way home, or on their way to work by praying a Litany of the Sacred Heart or other holy prayers. This is showing God we appreciate the great gift He has given us, and keepinghim company as He is still within us sacramentally for about 15 minutes . St. Claude de la Colombiere had this to say: “One cannot be said to have much faith if he only prepares a minute before receiving, or very much love if he only speaks to Jesus a minute after receiving.” Or what could be said of the love of those who could go and refrain from receiving him?  A good little prayer to say each day: O Jesus, I offer Thee every breath I take today in a spirit of thanksgiving, and every beat of my heart as an act of love for Thee in Holy Communion.  Some people, like Judas, run right out of Mass after Holy Communion before Mass is even over, and before receiving the Priest’s blessing, which God ratifies in heaven. There is a story of a man who always did this, and when he died, at his funeral, the priest  had  him removed right after Communion because, as the priest told the people, the man always left right after Holy Communion. These people run the risk of not being saved because, “their heart is not right with God.” Acts of Apostles 8:21.

     This is the great ‘’gift of God’’ of which Jesus was speaking , and without which we cannot have life within ourselves, for He has solemnly declared, “Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall have no life within you.’’ St. John 6;54. “If any man eat of this bread, he will live forever.’’ 6:52. Do you want to be raised up at the last day, that is, the general judgement at the end of the world? Jesus again says, “He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath life everlasting, and I will raise him up on the last day.” 6:55. Who said it? Jesus Christ said it! Pay attention my dearly beloved protestant brethren.  For those of you who think all you have to do is accept Him as your Lord and Saviour, but you don’t have to come to Him in the Eucharist. Jesus says you must come to Him in the Eucharist, which can only be found in His Church, the Roman Catholic. However, Father Leslie Rumble says, “The command to eat and drink is for the priests, but the bread will suffice for the lay people, according to the quote above from 6:52 of St. John, “If any man eat of this bread, he will live forever.’’ St. Paul points this out in his Epistle, “Therefore whoever shall eat this bread, or drink this chalice unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord.” 1 Cor. 11:27.  Note that St. Paul says if you partake of either one, you are guilty of both the body and blood under either species, because the blood is with the body, and the body is with the blood, just as your blood is with your body.  The body of Jesus in the Eucharist is a living body, because he said, “I am the living bread come down from heaven.” Verse 51. This was one of the errors Fr. Rumble pointed out in the King James version, that it says you have to receive both species to get both species. This is a protestant heresy, and one of the reasons The Council of Trent advised against both species, along with the great danger of spillage of the Precious Blood in the chalice, a desecration which has happened all too frequently in recent years! I don’t understand how the Novus Ordo clergy, who were taught to be meticulous about the Particles at the consecration and cleansing of the vessels at the end, can throw Jesus to the winds with Communion in the hand!

     We see also by the scripture of St. Paul that we must be in the state of grace to receive Holy Communion. Our Lady supposedly revealed to Fr. Stephano Gobbi that, “There does not now exist a Eucharistic celebration in which sacrileges are not committed.” She also revealed to Venerable Mary of Ageda, Spain, ‘’In the primitive Church, many souls were saved by it, but now many damn themselves by it.” Because they receive unworthily and do not examine their conscience. St, Paul warns, “Let a man prove himself,’’ that is, examine his conscience. For he says he who does not recognize Jesus in the Host, he condemns himself: ‘’He who eats… unworthily, without distinguishing the body, eats and drinks judgement to himself..’’ verse 29. Many Catholics who practice birth control, or come to the House of the Lord in immodest garb, or use continuous profanity, or politicians who believe in abortion and still go to Holy Communion, or other such things, without purifying their consciences by a good confession, are receiving unworthily in mortal sin. This is what the Blessed Mother and St. Paul were warning about.  And even the clergy, who do not warn the people of these manifest and secret sins, the “out of season part of the gospel,’’ are accessories to their sins. Silence is one of the nine ways of being accessory to another’s sin. Here again St. Paul shows we must have faith in the Eucharist, for it is only with the eyes of faith that we can recognize the Lord, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” Hebrews 11:6. St. Peter Chrysologus says that, “He who touches the body of Christ unworthily receives his damnation.” So if a person goes to Holy Communion without recognizing the Lord,  but taking it like it is only a piece of bread, what can be said of their faith? St. Augustine said, “The sacraments are the salvation of those who use them rightly, and the damnation of those who misuse them.” “What a crime,” says St. Firmilian, “men who defilements are unwashed by the laver of the Church, (Baptism, Ephesians 5:26, “That he might sanctify it, cleansing it by the laver of water in the word of life.’’), ‘’their sins not made known, (Confession), touch the Body and the Blood of the Lord by a Communion rashly granted.”” Who are they who are rashly granting the Holy Communion? It is the clergy who distribute Holy Communion to those who are in manifest mortal sin, such as a very immodest woman., or a public sinner such as a politician who views on abortion are well known.  What is the gravity of a sacrilegious Communion? Hear what Our Lord tells St. Bridget. “There does not exist on earth a punishment sufficient enough, to punish a sacrilegious Communion.”  O blindness of mortals. What has caused this? “Their own malice has blinded them.” Wisdom 2:21. Might a priest go to hell for giving Holy Communion to a manifestly immodest woman without correcting her? St. Leonard of Port Maurice in his instructions to the clergy on confession , relates the story of a man who was committing adultery against his wife. His wife warned him but he told her ‘’to shut up, the priest knew what he was doing.’’ Because he would confess the sin to the priest but the priest would absolve him without making the man give up his sin. Soon after the husband and the priest both died. The wife, a devout Catholic , was one day praying and she had a vision of her husband but did not recognize him because of his deformity. She asked him who he was and he told her he was her former husband and that he was damned because of his sin of adultery. She asked him who that was carrying him, and he said it was the priest who absolved him without making him give up his sin. The priest would have to carry him and others for all eternity because he did not make them give up the occasion of sin. Is this not similar to the priest giving Holy Communion, God himself, to an obviously immodest woman without correcting her?

     However, for the most part, this great gift of God is despised by so many Christians today. “At present,” says St. Alphonsus, ‘’there is no one in the world more despised than Jesus Christ.” How often do Christians pray for their daily bread, and never miss a day without eating several times to sustain their body, but how few will show up at the altar of God to receive their ‘’supersubstantial bread,’’ +,  to continue the life of their soul. How many Catholics no longer go to Church? How many Catholics have left the Church and joined protestant denominations, saying they have found Jesus while leaving him in the Eucharist where the real life of the soul is given, as shown above? “And you will not come to Me,’’ Jesus says, ‘’that you may have life.” St. John 5:40.  Men are ungrateful for his great gift, and because of this they do not give glory to God. “I receive not glory from men.” 5:41. Jesus comes to us daily to give us life, “I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly.’’ St. John 10:10. “How few there are,’’ says St. Ignatius Loyola, ‘’who avail themselves of the precious Blood of Jesus to purchase their salvation.” + ‘’ Give us this day our supersubstantial bread.’’ As rendered in St. Matthew 6:11 Douay Rheims, drbo.org. The same in the Latin Vulgate.

     St. Peter Eymard says on this subject: “You want to advance without Communion? Christian tradition is against you. Do not recite the Our Father anymore since in this prayer you ask for the daily bread which you want to do without. There are some who have the opportunity to communicate but who excuse themselves from doing so under pretext of fatigue, of discomfort, of lack of devotion. That is one of the devil’s tricks: listen to him once and he will weary you with the same pretext every day. To act in that manner is to be impolite to Our Lord, to do Him  a wrong, to be rude to Him. We shall be asked to render an account of an omitted Communion as of the talent buried by the wicked steward in the Gospel.” Note well these last words of St. Peter Eymard, ‘We shall be asked to render an account of an omitted Communion as of the talent buried by the wicked steward in the Gospel.”’

     Bishop Sheen once said, “As in the order of nature, we live by what we have slain, so also in the order of grace, we live by Jesus Christ, whom we have slain by our sins.” The saints made  great sacrifices to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion because of their love for their Lord, and because Our Lord made a tremendous sacrifice to give us himself in Holy Communion. We should follow their example. St. Paul says, “Imitate me as I imitate Christ.” 1 Corinthians 4:16. Fr.  Ronald Tangen says, “How are we going to imitate a saint if we don’t know anything about them?”

     Fr. Tangen said, “St. Maria Goretti would walk 15 miles  to go to Mass on Sunday, and then walk 15 miles back home. This little girl of 12 years old was stabbed 14 times by a young man of nineteen, to preserve her chastity, because she would not sin with him. She allowed herself to be stabbed and killed, rather than commit one mortal sin!  Where do you think she received this great strength of will? No doubt from her great devotion to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. “Death rather than sin!’’ was St. Dominic Savio’s motto. St. Tarcisius was once killed in the time of persecution taking Holy Communion in secret to those in prison. When the evil boys tried to take it from him, he would not let them have it, giving up his life rather than doing so. A soldier came up and ran the evil boys away after St. Tarcisius died at their hands. St. Alphonsus once said when suffering violent pains in the abdomen, “I would walk 10 miles in this condition in order not to miss saying Holy Mass.’’ And yet, how many clergy in our time, lamented by Pope Paul VI,  concelebrate Masses to the detriment of their private Masses. Or not bother to say Mass at all. “It’s my day off!’’ Two priests saying one Mass. Does a father send two boys to milk one cow? Or two boys to milk two cows?   Getting  back to my subject.  Once when St. Theresa of the Child Jesus had become quite ill, she dragged herself with great effort to church to receive her Jesus. One morning after Holy Communion, she was in her cell, exhausted. One of the sisters remarked that she should not exert herself so much. The Saint replied, “Oh! What are all these sufferings to me in comparison with one Holy Communion?’’ If a man could go to the bank each morning and receive a million dollars, how many people do you think would show up? But in the next life, every Holy Communion well received will be worth a lot more than a million dollars! Our Lord once revealed to St. Gertrude that each time one person receives devoutly Holy Communion, something good happens to everyone in heaven, on earth, and in purgatory.’’  And their glory in heaven is increased, because of the merit they receive from receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. ‘’IF THOU DIDST KNOW THE GIFT OF GOD.’’ Think of that. Your glory in heaven is increased with every devoutly received Holy Communion!

     A very good Mother: St. Margaret , Queen of Scotland, and mother of 8 children, went to Mass every day and took her children with her, and with motherly care she taught them to treasure the little Missal which she chose to adorn with precious stones. Where did she take them? To a protestant church? No, she took them to a Catholic Mass, where they could receive the true life of their souls, Jesus in the Eucharist. There is a story of a little Catholic girl, who had been taught well by the nuns. One day she came home, and the mother told her she had to go to the Souper’s school tomorrow, because they were poor, and the Souper’s had given her a blanket because they were poor. The little girl was horrified, and she prayed that she would die rather than have to go to the Souper’s school. That night the little girl died. True story, from Stories from the Catechist, 907 traditional Catholic stories.

      St. Margaret Mary had such an ardent desire for Jesus that she said: “I have such a desire for Holy Communion that if I had to walk barefoot along a path of fire to obtain it, I would do so with unspeakable joy.!” “And yet,” says Fr. Tangen,  “how many will get in their car and drive 5 minutes to go to Holy Mass?’’ “How sad is the ingratitude of man towards the Eucharist,” says St. Peter Eymard.  “We are going to be terrified on the day of judgement with having lived with so much love at our side and having paid no heed to it.” Terrible indifference.

     “O you deluded people,’ says St. Leonard of Port Maurice, “what are you doing? Why do you not hasten to the churches to hear as many Masses as you can? Why do you not imitate the angels who, when a holy Mass is celebrated, come down in squadrons from paradise and take their stations about our altars in adoration to intercede for you…I believe that if there were no Mass, the world would now have sunk into the abyss under the weight of its wickedness. The Mass is the powerful support that sustains it.”  St. Padre Pio once said, “It would be easier for the earth to exist without the sun, than without the value of the holy Mass.” For those who object that they do not have time for daily Mass.’’  St. Joseph Cottolengo said, “Bad management. Bad economy of time!” “If thou didst know the gift of God!”

     St. Alphonsus said that “Jesus has given his whole self in Holy Communion. Can we not believe that he will give us all things besides?’’ For St. Paul says, “How hath he not also with him, given us all things?” Romans 8:32. Moreover, St. Augustine exclaimed, “Although God is all-powerful, he is not able to give more; though supremely wise, he knows not how to give more; though vastly rich, he has not more to give .” The Council of Trent said, “Jesus pours forth, as it were, all the riches of his infinite love in this gift of Holy Communion.” St. Chrysostom said, “He gave all to thee, and left nothing for himself.’’ “O wonderful prodigy of divine love,’’ says St. Alphonsus, ‘’that God, who is the Lord of all, makes himself entirely ours!’’ ”If thou didst know the gift of God, and who he is,’’ ‘’an infinite treasure to men,’’ Wisdom 7:14. “Oh, if everyone understood what a treasure we have in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar, ‘’ says St. Frances Cabrini, ‘’what greatness, richness, sweetness, and joy they would possess! But what can we do to draw down the mercy of God on the earth, so that everyone may join the Holy Catholic Church, the Tree of Life, and be saved?” “The Lord added daily to the Church, such as should be saved.” Acts 2:47.

     Since Jesus Christ is God in the Most Blessed Sacrament, one could paraphrase the great commandment in this way: “Thou shalt love the Most Blessed Sacrament  with thy whole heart, with thy whole soul, and with all thy mind, and all thy strength.  This is the first commandment.’’ St. Mark 12:30. And again, “If any man love not Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament, let him be anathema.’’ 1 Cor. 16:22. There is nothing in the world we should love more than the Blessed Sacrament. ‘’Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift!’’ 2 Cor. 9:15. Those who seek to become rich, and may even become so, their riches will die with them at death, but the eternal riches of heaven far outweigh them, and will remain forever.

      Let us ask the most holy Mother of God for an increase of love and devotion for her Son in the Holy Eucharist. She is ‘’the mother of fair love,’’ Ecclus. 24:24, and St. Alphonsus says she goes about dispensing this love to her children. “Come over to me, all you that desire me, and take your fill of my fruits.” Verse 26. Drbo.org. “O Virgin Mary, our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, glory of the Christian people,; joy of the universal Church, salvation of the world, pray for us, and arouse among the faithful everywhere such devotion to the Holy Eucharist, as will make them worthy to receive it every day. Why is it she is called ‘’the salvation of the world,’’ when Jesus Christ is our Saviour? Because her prayers bring us back to Christ, and thus, our salvation. There is a story about a lady who said to a friend, “Help me save my soul,’’ because she had been living in sin. The friend was a very good Catholic lady who did indeed do just that, doing her many acts of charity, getting a Brown Scapular on her, getting her finally to confession, and then, before the week was over, the lady died. A true story, in our own time. Was this friend not indirectly her Saviour, by bringing her back to God? Yes she was, and this is what we mean when we give titles such as the above to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

     Finally, Our Lord asks us to make reparation for the many sins in the world, by the First Friday devotions, devotions to the Holy Face of Jesus, Holy Hours, visits to the Blessed Sacrament, prayers and sacrifices, especially the Holy Rosary, litanies and the Chaplet of mercy. Let us pray then, for those who are indifferent to this great gift, for those who have left the Church and rejected Jesus in the Eucharist; for those who receive him unworthily in immodest clothing or other grave sins not manifest; and finally for the clergy who give Holy Communion to those in manifest sin, for their indifference, and Communion in the hand where thousands of Particles break off in the hands, and people do not look in their hands. Fr. Nicholas Gruner says if a Particle falls, whether knowlingly or unknowingly, a sacrilege has been committed. If a person takes Communion in the hand, and a Particle breaks off, and it falls because they did not look in their hand, and a person behind them steps on the Particle, then they are guilty of sacrilege, as Fr. Gruner says. And let us pray for those who desecrate the Eucharist in black Masses, who mock him, and the freemasons who have their own desecrating ceremonies in certain degrees. Those who do so ‘’crucify again the Son of God,’’ Heb. 6:6; and have ‘’trodden underfoot the Son of God, and have regarded as unclean the blood of the covenant through which he was sanctified, and have insulted the Spirit of grace,’’ Heb. 10:29. “Have mercy on me, O God, for man hath trodden me underfoot.’’ Psalm 55:2.

     With a lively faith O Jesus, I offer Thee Thy Precious Blood for those who ignore Thee. With deep reverence, O Jesus, I offer Thee Thy Precious Blood for those who blaspheme Thee. With profound adoration,  O Jesus, I offer Thee Thy Precious Blood for those who hate Thee. With sentiments of compassion, O Jesus, I offer Thee Thy Precious Blood for those who trample underfoot the price of their redemption. Eternal Father, sign us with the blood of Thy Immaculate Lamb, as Thou didst sign the dwellings of Thy people. Spare O Lord, spare Thy people, whom Thou hast redeemed in Thy Precious Blood.

     O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee profoundly. I offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles throughout the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference by which He is grievously offended. By the infinite merits of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg the conversion of sinners.

     Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: All highest, glorious God, cast your light into the darkness of my heart. Give me right faith, firm hope, perfect charity , and profound humility, with wisdom and perception, O Lord, so that I may do what is truly Thy holy will. Amen.

“God enlightens every man who cometh into the world. ‘’ St. 1:9. “If God enlightens every man who comes into the world, why is it that so many are in darkness? They wish it. They turn their eyes away from the light.”                              – St. Alphonsus de Liguori.                                                                                                                                                                         MotherofGodlibrary.org

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