A Terrible Vision: Luther in Hell!

                                            A vision: Luther in hell!

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In 1883, Sister Maria Serafina Micheli (1849-1911) was beatified in Faicchio in the province of Benevento in the diocese of Cerreto Sannita 28 May 2011, the foundress of the Sisters of the Angels, was going to Eisleben, Saxony, the birthplace of Luther. The fourth centenary of the birth of the great heretic (10 November 1483) was celebrated on that day.  The streets were crowded, balconies included. Among the many personalities were expected at any time, with the arrival of Emperor Wilhelm I, who presided over the solemn celebrations.

The future Blessed, noting the great hoopla was not interested in knowing the reason for this unusual animation, wanted to find a church and pray to be able to make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament. After walking for a while, she finally found one, but the doors were closed. She knelt on the steps for serenity prayer. As it was in the evening, she had not noticed that it was not a Catholic church, but Protestant. While praying, the angel appeared, who said to her. “Arise, because it is a Protestant church” Then he added: “But I want you to see where Martin Luther was condemned and the pain he suffered as a punishment for his pride.”   After these words, she saw a terrible abyss of fire, where there were cruelly tortured countless souls. In the bottom of this hole there was a man, Martin Luther, which differed from the others: he was surrounded by demons that forced him to kneel, and all armed with hammers, they tried in vain , to shove a big nail in the head. Religious thought, if some of the people had seen this dramatic scene, they would not have made honors and other commemorations and celebrations for such a character.

Later, when the opportunity arose, she  reminded  her sisters to  live in humility and in secret. She was convinced that Martin Luther was punished in hell especially for the first deadly sin of pride. Pride is a deadly sin, which brought him open rebellion against the Roman Catholic Church. His behavior, his attitude towards the Church, and his preaching were crucial to encourage and bring many souls to eternal ruin.

There is a little Benedictine abbey in a tiny town in Germany where, St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori  tells us, there is preserved the only life-sized statue of Martin Luther in a church. It is back in the sacristy, carved out of solid wood, and stands where the priests can gaze on it while vesting for Mass. At the foot of the sculpture is a small bronze plaqueetched in a neat little German script, which reads: “Dort gehe ich, ausser dir Grade des Gottes.”  “There but for the grace of God, go I.””

Martin Luther refused to hear the Church. Jesus Christ declared: “If he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican.” St. Matthew 18:17. He also became a heretic. He denied and blasphemed many things concerning the Church, The Holy Eucharist, the Pope, indulgences and so on. St. Paul said to Titus: [10]” A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: [11] Knowing that he, that is such an one, is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment.” Chapter 3.

                   They  Died  For Their Faith Rather Than Succumb to Protestantism                                 Thomas Colton, a teen-aged boy, endured terrible sufferings for his faith in the reign of Elizabeth I. He refused to mitigate those sufferings by so much as setting foot inside a protestant church:  If I should go inside your church, I should sin against God and the peace and unity of the whole Catholic Church, exclude myself from the holy sacraments, and be in danger to die in my sins like a heathen. But although I am but a poor lad, I have a soul to save as well as any Catholic. “  St. Thomas Colton knew the warning of Jesus Christ for those who will not hear the Church, “And if he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen, and the publican.” St. Matthew 18:17.

THE LITTLE GIRL AND THE BLANKET: A very wonderful thing happened in one of the central towns of Ireland. The Soupers, one morning, made a bargain with a poor woman that they would give her a blanket, and that she should send her little Bridget to the Soupers’ school. Bridget was a very good child, and went to the school of the Sisters of Mercy. In the afternoon little Bridget came home from the convent. “Bridget,’ said the mother, “the  Soupers  came here this morning , and said that if I would send you to the  Souper’s school they would give me a blanket.”  “I am sure you sent them away mother?” said Bridget. “No,” said the mother, “we are very poor, so I promised that I would send  you .” “What!” answered Bridget, “do you really mean that I must  go to the Soupers’  school and become a protestant for a blanket? The nuns told me that Jesus Christ bought my soul with his precious blood; and you let the Soupers buy it with a blanket?” “No matter,” said the mother, “you must be ready to go to the Soupers’ school tomorrow at ten o’clock.” The child turned pale as death, and sank on her knees; she lifted up her little hands and eyes to heaven, and prayed thus: “Dear Blessed Virgin Mary, the nuns always told me that you are my good Mother, and that you love me; then, for the sake of the Infant Jesus, do not let me go to the Soupers’ school and become a protestant; let me die rather than be a protestant.” The mother sent the child to bed.  The next morning the mother called to her to get up and be ready to go to the Soupers’ school; but there was no answer from the child; she was dead! The Blessed Virgin had heard her prayer, and her soul was in heaven. STORIES FROM THE CATECHIST,# 403.     

                                                          Judas in Hell

Jesus said of Judas, “It were better for that man had he never been born.” Now if Judas was saved, Jesus words would not be true, and Jesus was not a very good prophet. Jesus only called one man in the whole New Testament a devil. That man was Judas, St. John 6:71. Jesus said plainly Judas was lost, St. John 17:12. St. Peter spoke of the reward of his iniquity, and what the Holy Ghost spoke by the mouth of David in the Psalms. 16 “ Men, brethren, the scripture must needs be fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who was the leader of them that apprehended Jesus: [17] Who was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry. [18] And he indeed hath possessed a field of the reward of iniquity, and being hanged, burst asunder in the midst: and all his bowels gushed out. [19] And it became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: so that the same field was called in their tongue, Haceldama, that is to say, The field of blood. [20] For it is written in the book of Psalms: Let their habitation become desolate, and let there be none to dwell therein. And his bishopric let another take.” Acts, 1. What Psalms? Psalms 108. [6]” Set thou the sinner over him: and may the devil stand at his right hand. [7] When he is judged, may he go out condemned; and may his prayer be turned to sin. [8] May his days be few: and his bishopric let another take.” Psalms 108 says a whole lot more about Judas and his great iniquity, for example, “he put on cursing like a garment,” and terrible things about his family. His family was cursed! Yes, Judas was married. Read chapter 108. Many Novus Ordo clergy have been under the false impression that Judas did not go to hell. This is flatly contrary to Scripture and the clear and unequivocal words of Jesus Christ. It also flatly disagrees with the revelations of the Blessed Mother to Venerable Mary of Agreda in THE MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD,  which says that Judas has the deepest and worst torments in hell. That there was no one on earth as wicked as Judas, and this place in hell is also reserved for bad Catholics who have abused their graces of having been born into the true Church and despised them. The Blessed Mother also showed Sr. Elena Aiello many priests’ souls in hell. She said to her, speaking of hell, “See how many priestly souls…”  GOOD FRIDAY,  APRIL 7, 1950.                                                                            

                                  St. Francis Jerome and the Obstinate Sinner

Mocking God: In the year 1707,   St. Francis Jerome was preaching, as was his wont, in the neighborhood of the City of Naples. He was speaking of Hell and the awful chastisements that await obstinate sinners. A brazen courtesan (prostitute), who lived there, troubled by a discourse which aroused her remorse, sought to hinder it by jests and shouts, accompanied by noisy instruments. As she was standing close to the window, the Saint cried out: “Beware, my daughter, of resisting grace; before eight days God will punish you.” The unhappy creature grew only more boisterous. Eight days elapsed, and the holy preacher happened to be again before the same house. This time she was silent; the windows were shut. The hearers, with dismay on their faces, told the Saint that Catherine (that was the name of the bad woman) had a few hours before died suddenly. “Died!” he repeated. “Well, let her tell us now what she has gained by laughing at Hell. Let us ask her.” He uttered these words in an inspired tone, and everyone expected a miracle. Followed by an immense crowd, he went up to the death chamber, and there, after having prayed for an instant he uncovered the face of the corpse, and said in a loud voice, “Catherine, tell us where art thou now.” At this summons, the dead woman lifted her head, while opening her wild eyes; her face borrowed color, her features assumed an expression of horrible despair, and in a mournful voice, she pronounced these words: “In Hell; I am in Hell.” And immediately, she fell back again into the condition of a corpse.

•             “I was present at that event,” says one of the witnesses, “but I could never convey the impression it produced on me and the bystanders, nor that which I still feel every time I pass that house and look at that window. At the sight of that ill-fated abode, I still hear the pitiful cry resounding: ‘In Hell, I am in Hell.'” With fear and trembling work out your salvation (Philip. 2:12). “Receive not the grace of God in vain.’’ says St. Paul. An old saying, “All those in hell did not correspond with God’s grace. All those in heaven did!”