“A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, he shall abide between my breasts.” Canticles 1:12

Myrrh is very bitter, and the Passion and death of Jesus were incomprehensibly bitter to our Blessed Mother. She sacrificed her Son for our salvation. She deserves our love and gratitude in return. Let us console her by prayers and penance, and turning away from our sins. Let us crucify her Son no longer.

This rosary was revealed by Jesus and Our Blessed Mother to Sr. Amalia Aguirre. Sister Amalia Aguirre (1901–1977) was a professed religious of the Missionaries of Jesus Crucified in Brazil. Visited by a relative with an ill loved one, Sr. Amalia took her request for healing to Jesus in the Tabernacle and offered herself as a victim. Jesus then spoke the words of this rosary to her and told her that whatever is asked of Him through the tears of His Mother, He will grant with much love. Mary promised Sr. Amalia that many souls will be converted through this rosary, especially those possessed by the devil. Given that this rosary has the power to convert even the most hardened and lost souls, it is surely a weapon of defense against any kind of spiritual attack. In these times, the evil one seeks to lead us into despair and hopelessness by way of fear and a lack of trust in Our Lord and Savior. Through the tears of our Heavenly Mother, we stand in great faith that Our Beloved Jesus will grant any request we bring to Him for a restoration of faith, hope, love, deliverance, peace, and healing. To Jesus, through Mary. Now and always.
The Rosary of Our Lady of Tears
The Rosary of Our Lady of Tears (or chaplet) is prayed with seven decades of seven beads between larger beads. See an image of an example below. It can also be prayed with an Our Lady of Sorrows Rosary.
1. Beginning Prayer:
Crucified Jesus, prostrate at Your feet, we offer You the tears of the Mother who, with love full of devotion and sympathy, accompanied You on Your painful way to Calvary. Grant, O Good Master, that we take to heart the lessons which the tears of Your Most Holy Mother have taught us, so that we may fulfill Your Holy Will on earth and become worthy to praise and bless You in heaven for all eternity. Amen.
2. Large Beads (instead of the “Our Father” say):
v. O Jesus, look upon the tears of her who loved You most on earth,
r. And loves You most ardently in heaven.
3. Seven Small Beads (instead of the “Hail Mary” say):
v. O Jesus hear our prayers,
r. For the sake of the tears of Thy most holy Mother.
4. At the End (repeat 3 times):
O Jesus, look upon the tears of her who loved You most on earth, And loves You most ardently in heaven.
5. Concluding Prayer: O Mary, Mother of Love, of Sorrows and of Mercy, we beg You, join Your prayers with ours so that Jesus, Your Divine Son to whom we turn, will graciously hear our petitions for the sake of Your maternal tears, and, together with the graces we implore, grant us finally the reward of eternal life. Amen.
With Your tears, O sorrowful Mother, destroy the dominion of Satan. Through Your divine tenderness, O bound and fettered Jesus, defend the world from the errors which threaten it. Amen.
Mysterious Weeping Statues of Virgin Mary that Science can’t Explain! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QUAmxIxx4oE
Our Lady did not appear on this high mountain to hand down a few warnings and prescribe prayers and practices. The children, Maximin and Mélanie, saw her sitting on a stone, her face in her hands, and she was weeping. When we read the message of La Salette, we must remember that it was spoken by someone in tears. Maximin and Mélanie never forgot to say that the Lady wept all the while she spoke. The “tears flowed and flowed” they said. If someone from heaven, and the Blessed Virgin at that, is provoked to tears over disrespect for the Day of the Lord and the Name of Jesus, then the word is out that these offenses are more evil than people think they are and should be carefully avoided. As Mary allegedly said to Fr. Gobbi: “I am weeping over the sins of mankind, and because too few accept my warnings to pray and amend their lives; and because in great numbers my children are being lost.”