Before I begin, I would like to inform our readers that Enzo Alocci was a stigmatist, who also had a statue of Our Lady Queen of the World which wept tears of real blood. You can still find him online, and you can view the statue with tears of blood all over her cheeks. Not sure of the date. I received this message in the mail approximately around 1976. It warns of the future punishments coming on mankind because of our sins. Says only one quarter of mankind will survive. Warns the clergy to uphold modesty in the House of God, and send away all persons not suitably dressed to enter into the presence of the Divine Majesty. She is reaffirming the DECREE ON MODESTY by Pope Pius XI, tinyurl.com/tdakwyaj.  “Those who take these words lightly and laugh at these messages will be destroyed by fire,” she says. These warnings correspond to the 3 days of darkness prophecies, which speak of fire and ¾ of mankind to perish, which you can find in books and online. These are excerpts from messages given a few years ago by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Enzo Alocci, a humble peasant living near Port San Stefano, in Italy. Translation from Italian is ours.   Now for the warning.

“My son, the punishments are near for Satan is now unloosed on the earth to draw souls to eternal damnation. For this reason I come once more to warn you that you should convert and expiate your sins by prayers and great penances. If you do not do it and come back to God sincerely, then there will be no rest anymore for you. Cry to the world that the sins of men will soon be watered with all kinds of calamities. There will be revolutions, tempests, floods and earthquakes. Volcanoes will erupt. These days left before the punishments are given to you by the mercy of the Eternal Father.

The chalice is full and the moment of the Justice of God is about to strike. A great punishment will sweep down on the earth, for men have lost the sense of sin. Man will soon realize his nothingness and will be hurled down to his knees. The day is not far off when the earth will abound with corpses. Only one quarter of mankind will survive.  Son, go and tell the priests to be stricter towards the faithfuland send away all persons entering the church in indecent dresses, for it is not suitable to come in the presence of the Divine Majesty in such indecency. (WOMAN DAMNED TO HELL FOR THE SIN OF IMMODESTY -MotherofGodlibrary.org/2019/12).

Pray and make penance for I shall send the world a terrible warning. On that day, the sun will rotate with big explosions. The earth will quake. That phenomenon will last about a half an hour and will be visible from any point on earth. (This is the great warning she spoke of at Garabandal). All those who take these words lightly, and laugh at these messages will be destroyed by fire. When comes that day of the punishment, even those who have never knelt down will kneel down and invoke the pardon of Jesus, striking their chests for their grave errors and sins, but it will be too late then, for it will be the time of Divine Justice.

I repeat it to you: the calamities are drawing near with strong tempests in the whole universe, (Have we not seen it?), which will be the sign of the beginning of the punishments. If you heed these words and come back to God, you will be saved. Consecrate yourselves totally to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to My Motherly Heart.

End of message. She wants this message spread far and wide, to the whole world, she says. “Cry to the world that the sins of men will soon be watered with all kinds of calamities.” She wants this warning to be made known to all men, so they can be saved. A warning serves to alert people so that evil can be prevented, especially the loss of souls. Please do your part and share this with as many as you can.

Zachariah 13:8-9 speaks of the people perishing and one third brought through the fire. The earthquake ia a sign of God’s anger, “The earth shook and trembled: the foundations of the mountains were troubled and were moved, because he was angry with them.” Psalm 17:8-9, drbo.org. We may not be far from World War 3.

Four hundred years ago, our Blessed Mother was speaking to Mother Marianna in Quito, Equador. She spoke to her about the times we are living in now, and she told her that in these times, “There would be very little innocence in children nor modesty in women.” Now what would corrupt the little children to such a great degree? Two things especially. One is, they hear vulgar talk almost everywhere they go, because vulgarity in public and online has become the norm. They don’t realize how evil it is and they pick it up. Secondly, the cell phones they’re given by their parents with the internet on it with all the trash and immodesty that’s allowed there. Their little innocent minds see this, and just like taking arsenic in your food, it eventually has a negative effect on them, killing their souls. And the immodesty problem? As one Pope said, “If only women knew the thoughts they were evoking in men, they would blush with shame.” But many women no longer have any shame at all. Fashions get worse and more indecent every year. This is why the great chastisement is coming. Pope Pius XII said in 1952, “Man is worse now than he was in the time of the flood.” What are we to do?

At Fatima, Portugal the Blessed Mother showed the children a vision of hell, and told them, “Men must cease offending God, for He is already too much offended.” So we must strive to give up sin.

Secondly, she insisted we pray the rosary daily. Daily, she said.

Thirdly, she said we must do penance. Penance for our sins. Jesus said, “Except you do penance, you shall all likewise perish.” At Lourdes, France, she told St. Bernadette, “Penance! Penance! Penance!”

Fourthly, everyone should be wearing the Brown Scapular. It has a promise of salvation to those who die wearing it, and the promise of special protection. The Miraculous Medal also protects people. A little 4 year old boy was wearing the medal his good mother put on him. He went outside one day and fell in the pond, drowning. When his mother found him, a man had been walking by and pulled the little boy out and saved his life.

Catholics should make frequent use of confession, and Mass and Holy Communion. These things all done together help keep us in the grace of God.

You don’t have to be a Catholic to pray the rosary every day. One day Fr. Roberts found Sandy praying the rosary. He said to her, “Sandy! What are you doing praying the rosary? Aren’t you protestant?” And she replied, “She’s my mother too, Father.” See this article: What Do The Protestants Condemn When They Condemn The Rosary?

Am I Dressed Properly For The House of God?


“In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.” Eccleciasticus 7:40. https://motherofgodlibrary.org/2019/04/30/souls-in-hell-what-the-saints-and-scriptures-say-about-it/

A CAREFUL FATHER I WANT TO BE! Poem: https://tinyurl.com/5n7a9cxb

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