“Divorce is the passport to hell.” – ST. PADRE PIO


Divorce: “Divorce is the passport to hell.” Why? Let us see.

     What is it that makes divorce so evil? Because of the evil it inflicts on the parties and their children. Divorce can ruin souls, especially the souls of the children. A family is like a front porch with two pillars. They both have to be in place or the roof falls. Take either one out and the porch falls. A man and a woman both have characteristics that complement one another in marriage for the good of the family. These characteristics are morally necessary for the family to be fruitful in the grace of God and save their souls. Oftentimes when a home is torn apart, human nature being weak, the children will follow the sinful course. How many souls are damned because one or two of the parents refused to do God’s will, work together and pray together, instructing their children in the commandments of God, and in the faith of the true Church. Jesus Christ has called us to ‘’take up our cross and follow him.” And what is Our Lord carrying when we are walking behind him? He is carrying his cross too.

     When a couple get married, they take a vow ‘’for better or worse, in sickness and in health,” meaning, life is not going to be easy. A vow is a sacred promise made to God, which binds under mortal sin. In the Book of Jonah we read, “But I with the voice of praise will sacrifice to thee: I will pay whatsoever I have vowed for my salvation to the Lord.” 2:10. Meaning, if I want to save my soul, I must keep my vow. St. Paul reaffirms this also saying, “Having damnation, because they have made void their first faith.” [1 Timothy 5:12], drbo.org. The footnote on this passage explains it thus: “Their first faith”: Their vow, by which they had engaged themselves to Christ.” A marriage consists in valleys and hills. The valleys are the low times in marriage when things are not going well, and the hills represent the good times. As St. Teresa of Avila said, “All things are passing.” The bads times will pass if we work through them, and the good times will not always be there either. But couples must not be giving in when they become discontented, because this too will pass. They must accept their crosses at the time, offer them up to God, work and pray together till the problems work themselves out. Have you ever seen a successful company that gave up when things were going bad?

     Sometimes if a marriage has a good Christian partner and the other is not, it can be the fault of the one party when the marriage breaks apart. Other times both parties can be in the wrong and not willing to work things out. This can be disaster for two reasons. One, if the marriage is valid, and they divorce and remarry, then they are now in adultery, and Jesus said to remarry one is guilty of adultery, St. Matthew, 5:32 “But I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, excepting for the cause of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery.” Uncleanness or fornication was a cause for putting a woman away, but not for remarriage. “If a man take a wife, and have her, and she find not favour in his eyes, for some uncleanness: he shall write a bill of divorce, and shall give it in her hand, and send her out of his house.”

[Deuteronomy 24:1]

     Secondly, if there are children in the marriage and they get a new mommy or daddy, what kind of example is that setting for the children? “A bad tree cannot bear good fruit,” said Our Lord, so in a godless marriage, or in an ungodly divorce, the children are going to fall. In the sad story of the fallen away Catholic, (true story), she was writing her thoughts the night she died, lamenting the fact that she divorced her true husband because he wasn’t to her liking, and married another, and knowing she was going to lose her soul because she refused to do what the priest advised her – Get rid of her illegitimate husband and do the right thing. She was reflecting on her children and her grandchildren, and generations down the line who would be lost because of her one bad decision; who would curse her for all eternity because of the wrong decision she had made, living her life on her terms rather than carrying her cross in life when necessary and leading her family to heaven. LAST THOUGHTS OF A FALLEN-AWAY CATHOLIC, https://motherofgodlibrary.org/2022/09/16/.

     The freemasons, who were called “Our mortal enemy,” by Pope Pius XI, worked for the passing of the iniquitous law called “No Fault Divorce.” Documentation also shows they are behind all the immodest trends in society, especially in women, in order to corrupt society. They were able to eventually get the No fault divorce law passed. Now, judges and attorneys will help people obtain divorce over spurious reasons and call it No fault divorce. This an oxymoron, for there is no such thing as a no fault divorce. Either one or two parties are at fault. This iniquitous law has ruined society. It has destroyed countless homes, lives and souls. Sr. Lucia of Fatima said the final battle over souls will be over marriage. Do we not see it? What is going to happen to all these iniquitous judges and lawyers on the Day of Judgement when they see all the souls they caused to be lost? “How long will you judge unjustly, and favor the cause of the wicked?” [Psalms 81:2]. Read what St. John Chrysostom says about these unjust judges: “How can you be astonished if I say that few will be saved,” asks St. John Chrysostom, “when you see so many wicked in youth, and so many others negligent and lukewarm in their old age? What vanity among women, what avarice among merchants, what pride among the learned, what injustice among the judges, what corruption in all!” SOULS IN HELL. WHAT THE SAINTS AND SCRIPTURES SAY ABOUT IT. motherofgodlibrary.org/2019/04/30/.