“THE NEW MASS IS AN INCALCULABLE ERROR!” – WERE THE WORDS OF CARDINAL OTTAVIANI, after a 3 month study of the new Mass Pope Paul VI was proposing to bring out.
The new Mass that we now have parallels more the protestant service than the Roman Mass of the centuries. I will prove this shortly but first, I would like to ask you to consider some statements made from the Ottaviani Intervention, Cdl. Bacci, and some other theologians who did a critical study on Pope Paul VI’s new Mass. The first thing they said was that it contradicts the Council of Trent, that holy , dogmatic council call by Pope St. Pius V to condemn all the protestant heresies going around and to guide faithful Catholics in the right direction. Why do we listen to the Church? Because Jesus Christ has commanded us to hear the Church, and threatened us with damnation if we don’t. “If he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican.” St. Matthew 18:17. And now, let us consider some of the criticisms they levelled against the new Mass, commonly called the Novus Ordo.
- “It is rather strong to claim that the new Mass is contrary to the Council of Trent, but displeasing as it is, it is true.”
- 2) “The Novus Ordo Missae- considering the new elements susceptible to widely diff- erent interpretations which are implied or taken for granted- represents as a whole and in its details, a striking departure from the Catholic theology of the Mass as it was formulated in Session 22 of the Council of Trent.” “A striking departure from the Catholic theology of the (old) Mass.’’ John Vennari, R.I.P., often quoted Jean Guitton, who was a close friend of Pope Paul VI who said that Paul VI wanted to get the Catholic liturgy close to the protestant liturgy. Well, how do the protestants end the Our Father, which is ,by the way, not in the Bible? “For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever.” In the new Mass, first proof. Secondly, the Confiteor. In the old Mass we invoke the prayer of Mary and certain great saints, and the priest, who is offering the sacrifice of the Mass for our sins, and finish it by asking the priest, “and you Father, to pray to the Lord our God for me.” Because, without the priest there is no sacrifice for our sins, (which the protestants don’t believe), and yet, they eliminated the saints , and the priest, and instead, we confess to our brothers and sisters, and ask them to pray for us. Now the prayers of our brothers and sisters are good, but this is no comparison to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ laying down his life for our salvation, being renewed on the altar, and which the priest is offering to the Eternal Father for our sins. See how they’ve already started watering down the prayers and sacrificial meaning of the Mass, and the priest’s most essential role? And, they start off by completely, by completely eliminating the prayers at the foot of the altar. If your doctor waters down your medicine, is it going to be as beneficial to you? If you water down your coffee too much, is it going to be any good? Most of you who read this are not going to know about the Blessed Mother’s warning at Fatima about the suicide of changing the liturgy. Pope Pius XII said he was worried about the Blessed Virgin’s persistent warning at Fatima about the suicide of changing the liturgy. When did he say this? When he was Cardinal Pacelli in the early 30’s. Fr. Gruner says, “Where did he get this?” He said, “It must be in the 3rd secret, since it is not in any of the other Fatima literature.”
- Father Paul Kramer has written a book titled THE SUICIDE OF CHANGING THE LITURGY which deals with the problems of the new Mass. I would highly encourage anyone who wants to know the truth of the matter to order a copy of the book and read it. It will shock you.
- Page 44 in The Intervention, they complain about the acclamations after the consecration concerning the “Mysterium Fidei,” which is the Mystery of Faith, not a mystery of faith.” Here in the consecration Jesus is speaking of the mystery of faith, not a mystery of faith. The indicates singular, a indicates plural. For example, Jesus was the Son of Mary; Jesus was a Son of Mary. Which one indicates she had more sons? So what is the real Mystery of faith? The Council of Trent says Jesus is referring to his true sacramental presence on the altar, in other words, his Real Presence of Christ after the consecration. This is why the priest genuflects at the consecration. In the traditional Mass, the first thing the priest does is adore the Lord, then he elevaates the Host. In the Novus Ordo, they took away the first genuflection and move on to the elevation, then genuflect. But what would be the first thing you would do if Our Lord Jesus Christ were to appear before you? Would not the first thing you would do is go on your knees? See how they watered down the reverence the priest should give, and did give for centuries, and cut the genuflections in half? For one thing, all the plural acclamations are a blatant error. For another thing, none of the acclamations indicate Jesus’ Real Presence on the altar. Some of them even say, “until you come again,” as if He is not already there. The Church has a saying. “Lex orandi, lex credenda,” which means, “The way we pray reflects what we believe.” None of the acclamations reflect that Jesus is truly present on the altar. Do you see why the Ottaviani Intervention had a problem with this? Finally, the Mysterium Fidei is supposed to be part of the consecration. The Study says, “this brings ambiguity to a new height. “ For those of you who may not know who Cardinal Ottaviani was, he was Head of the Holy office in the 1960”s under three popes, the Vatican tribunal responsible for uprooting heresy, and protecting the purity of the Catholic faith. His words should not be taken lightly. Who had the authority to delete it out? And add it as an acclamation? No one! As Jesus said in the Gospel, “An enemy hath done this.” Matthew 13:18. The communist infiltrators. Read the book, AA-1025 MEMOIRS OF AN ANTI-APOSTLE. They were behind it, and as you read the book, you will find many of their ideas in the new Mass, Communion in the hand; Communion standing; everybody handling the Hosts, and many other things. Now do you begin to see why the Blessed Virgin warned about the Suicide of Changing the Liturgy? The new Mass, by its lack of reverence and unheard of abuses, has caused countless millions to lose the faith. For proof of this, go to olrl.org and click on: The new Mass, then click on: Why the Traditional Latin Mass and you will read the horrifying fruits which have resulted from the new Mass. How many of our family members have left the true Church, and if they die outside the true Church, they will be lost for all eternity, because the Church teaches Ex Cathedra, that is, infallibly, that there is no salvation outside the true Church. Even the Bible says those who were such as should be saved, were added to the Church. “The Lord added daily to the church, such as should be saved.” Acts 2:47. And remember Our Lord’s warning himself, “If he will not hear the church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican.” St. Matthew 18:17. I diverted from my topic a bit, to show you the absolute necessity of being in the true Church when we die.
- “The Apostolic Consitution,” says the Intervention, “deals a death blow to the Church’s universal language, (Latin), contrary to the express wish of the 2nd Vatican Council…” The Council never mandated the abolition of Latin. A Catholic could go to a Mass in another country, being offered in the universal language of Latin and feel right at home, unity of worship. Not so now that mass is being offered in all the different tongues. There was a name for that in the Old Testament called, Babel. So the Intervention said this shattered the unity of worship. “Since unity of worship has been shattered once and for all, what basis will exist for the unity of faith which accompanied it and which, we are told, was always to be defended without compromise.?”
- As mentioned above, the new rite was brought closer to protestant liturgies: “In place of this are elements which bring the new rite closer to protestant liturgies, not even those closest to Catholicism.” A good example of this is the ending of the Our Father, found in the protestant versions, not in the Bible, but now in the Novus Ordo Mass, soon after the Our Father: “For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, now and forever. Amen. “
- And the Intervention warned Pope Paul VI that it would be an incalculable error to introduce the new rite, which he ignored. “To abandon a liturgical tradition which for four centuries stood as a sign and pledge of unity in worship, and to replace it with another liturgy which die to the countless liberties it implicitly authorizes, cannot but be a sign of division-a liturgy which teems with insinuations or manifest errors against the integrity of the Catholic faith-is, we feel bound in conscience to proclaim, an incalculable error.” A manifest error for example is, the Mysterium Fidei explained above. Let us now take a look at the comparison between the old Latin rite and the protestant Communion service, and see which one the new Mass parallels with. If you have a love for the truth, and the true liturgy, these findings ought to disturb you.
- The Catholic traditional Mass- Latin; the protestant service- vernacular; the new Mass vernacular.
- Catholic, much of the liturgy inaudible; the protestant liturgy entire service audible; the new Mass , audible.
- Catholic , only two reading. Protestant-generally three reading; the new Mass-generally three readings.
- Catholic, no lay readers. Protestant-lay readers used; new Mass, lay readers used.
- Catholic-clearing performing solemn rites upon an altar, facing east. * protestant-a meal served on a table, often facing the congregation. New Mass-facing the people while turning their backs to Jesus in the tabernacle and not their face. “They have turned their backs to me, and not their face.” Jeremias 2:27. When you speak to someone, you face them, you don’t turn your back to them, which would be rude. Michael Davies says: “The celebration of Mass facing the people is a pure innovation and a complete break with Catholic tradition in both the Roman and Eastern Rites. It is not mandated, recommended or even mentioned in Vatican II”s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.” See, THE CATHOLIC SANCTUARY AND THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL.
- Catholic- kneeling throughout long periods of the service, particularly for the reception of Holy Communion. Protestant- little kneeling; Communion often received standing. New Mass, Communion received standing. When we stand up to Jesus man to man receiving Holy Communion, we are levelling God with man. Job says he will not do this. “I will not level God with man. “ 32:21.
- Catholic- people receiving on the tongue. Protestant-Communion in the hand. New Mass- receiving in the hand. Pope Paul VI said, “The traditional manner is to be retained…” Memoriale Domini. So, how is it a few years later almost everyone receives in the hand? The communist infiltration. Read the book, AA – 1025 Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle. It’s in there. “Nothing touches the Host except what is consecrated.” St. Thomas Acquinas, Are your hands consecrated?
- Catholic-received under one form only. Protestant-received under both kinds. New Mass-received under both kinds. By the way, Michael Davies also wrote a booklet about Communion under both kinds, and he pointed out from the instructions from Rome it was only to be done in limited circumstances. Is that what we see? Also, this makes one question if our clergy are schismatic, from the bishops on down. In the encyclical Inaestimabile Donum, Pope John Paull II decreed Extraordinary ministers were not to be used except, except in cases of real necessity. You can see this disobedience on the part of the clergy at some of the daily Mases in the Novus Ordo. Don’t be angry at me for saying this. It is a legitimate question. I will quote to you the document from Pope John Paul and you make the judgement if it is licit or not. “It is not permitted that the faithful should themselves pick up the consecrated bread and the sacred chalice, still less that they should hand them from one to another.” Isn’t this giving Communion as an Extraordinary minister of the Eucharist? It goes on, “The faithful, whether religious or lay, who are authorized as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist can distribute Communion ONLY when there is no priest, deacon or acolyte, when the priest is impeded by illness or advanced age, or when the number of the faithful going to Communion is so large as to make the celebration of the Mass excessively long. Accordingly, a reprehensible attitude is shown by those priests who, though present at the celebration, refrain from distributing Communion, and leave this task to the laity.” # 9 and 10. Note the word ‘only. They are forbidden at normal Masses , period, unless, it says, there is a REAL necessity. # 26 & 27 still stipulates the genuflection before the Blessed Sacrament, and says it should be’’ neither hurried or careless.’’ Many people bow, many people knee-jerk, many people nod, and many do nothing at all. We are not speaking of the ill and infirm or handicapped. So you be the judge, are the bishops and priests obeying the pope or not? St. Thomas Acquinas said, “Against a fact there is no argument.” I have given you the facts. I have quoted a decree from Pope John II, not a suggestion. Decrees are meant to be obeyed. “And he went through Syria and Celicia, confirming the churches, commanding them to keep the precepts of the apostles and the ancients.” Acts 15:41. “And as they passed through the cities, they delivered unto them the decrees for to keep, that were decreed by the apostles and ancients who were at Jerusalem.” 16:4. Are the priests and the bishops obeying the pope? No, they are not. And yet, they like to throw stones at Archbishop Lefebrve and The Society of St. Pius X.
- Catholic-frequent liturgical reference to the doctrines of sacrifice and Real Presence. Protestant – no reference whatsoever to the offering of any sacrifice beyond that of the congregation offering itself. Some references to the Body and Blood of Christ which could give the impression of belief in the Real Presence.
- The priest faces the East, whenever possible because, As St. Thomas Acquinas explains: 1) The way in which the heavens move from east to west symbolize God’s majesty. 2) It symbolizes our desire to return to Paradise; and 3) Christ, the light of the world, is expected to return from the east. (Summa, II-II, Q. 84, 3 ad. “For as lightning cometh out of the east, and appeareth even into the west: so shall the coming of the Son of man be.” St. Matthew 24:27. Another reason the priest faces the tabernacle with the people behind him, is because he is leading the people to God, and he is praying for the people.
- Should you and I return to the Mass of our fathers? Yes. The old Tridentine Mass was codified by Pope St. Pius V, and in his Bull Quo Primum, he validated it forever, and no priest could be forbidden by his Superior from saying the old Latin Mass. For proof of this, go to olrl.org and click on: The new Mass, then click on: Why the Traditional Latin Mass. The Bull is quoted in that paper. When we continue to go to the new Mass, with the countless abuses it authorizes, the grave immodesty it allows and the many sacrilegious Holy Communions given to these women in manifest sin, the silence and indifference of the clergy, the continual acts of irreverence, talking, etc., we are putting our souls in jeopardy by becoming accustomed to these things and showing consent by our silence. And eventually, like so many others, we will be doing the same thing, offending God greatly, and risk losing our faith and our souls. If we die and go to hell, St. Anthony Claret said ‘’we will be in hell a year for every leaf on every tree in the world, for every grain of sand, for every drop of water, for all the atoms in the air, with no remission of the burnings of the damned, and after all those endless ages, our hell will start all over again, and will do so a thousand million times, because eternity never ends. O great mystery indeed,” He says. So when you’re driving down the road, COUNT THE LEAVES IF YOU CAN, and think about your soul. The Angelof Fatima, when he brought the children Holy Communion, told them god was “horribly outraged by the sins of ungrateful men.’’ St. Peter Eymard said: “God punishes irreverences committed in his sanctuary with a weakening of faith and a withdrawal of graces of devotion.” – The Victim, page 13.
- St. Paul tells us to “Hold fast the traditions which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle.” 1 Thess. 2:14. The old Mass is based on tradition, the new Mass is not. In order for a judge in court to make an impartial decision, he must examine both sides. Most of us have believed and followed our clergy because normally that is the right course of action. But in certain periods of the church, the clergy themselves have been misled, so we are in a crisis in the Church where we must inform ourselves, learn what the holy Church actually teaches, and follow the right way. And that does not mean following the majority of the clergy. That would not have saved us in the Arian heresy. Nor now. We must know our faith, we must live our faith. We must be courageous, and we must be willing to die for the truth. If you will search: Prophecies of Blessed Elena Aiello, you will see that the Blessed Mother actually showed her the souls of priests in hell, and she lamented: ‘’See how many priestly souls.” If you read the warnings at Garabandal, Spain, she warned of many cardinals, bishops and priests on the road to perdition, and taking many souls with them. Are you following one? If you search: Prophecies of Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora, you will hear her saying God is very angry with the clergy, teachers and parents for their failure to do their duty to those under them. And she said she witnessed God’s gaze on the world, and it was enough to incinerate the whole world. At Akita, Japan, she warned about the good clergy being opposed by the bad, and she said the only arms left to us was the rosary and the Sign of her Son. Always in her messages trying to get us to pray the rosary everyday, and rarely being listened to.
- St. Nilus had made a prophecy regarding our time. One of the saddest things he predicted about our time was that the clergy would become vain men and not be able to distinguish the righthand way from the left. Therefore it is urgent that we do our own research to know the truth, and learn what God expects of us. Some books that I have found helpful: 1. AA-1025 MEMOIRS OF AN ANTI-APOSTLE, 2. THE OTTAVIANI INTERVENTION, 3. COMMUNION IN THE HAND AND SIMILAR FRAUDS, – MICHAEL DAVIES, 4. LITURGICAL TIMEBOMBS IN VATICAN II – MICHAEL DAVIES, 5. WHY IS COMMUNION IN THE HAND WRONG? FROM JMJ BOOK COMPANY, 6. MEMORIAL OF THE LORD- POPE PAUL VI, (Pope Paul VI warns about the dangers of Communion in the hand). 7. INAESTIMABILE DONUM – POPE JOHN PAUL II, 8. MORTALIUM ANIMOS which condemns the present day ecumenism. 9. THE DEVIL’S FINAL BATTLE – FR. PAUL KRAMER, 10. THESUICIDE OF CHANGING THE LITURGY – FR. PAUL KRAMER, 11. And, PRIEST WHERE IS YOUR MASS, MASS WHERE IS YOUR PRIEST which is a testimony of about 17 priests who came back to tradition. Most of the Novus Ordo priests and bishops are not concerned about these things. If they don’t mind giving Holy Communion to immodest women and girls, then they are not too concerned about the problems in the liturgy, or souls for that matter. But, if you don’t agree with them, you can write them and complain, and assure them if they don’t start making proper changes, you will no longer support them financially. If enough people start doing this, they will wake up and take notice. There is an old saying, “All that is necessary for evil to overcome good, is for good men to do nothing.” If you want to stop a river, you have to build a dam. We must also pray, especially the rosary every day, wear the brown scapular and make sacrifices for ourselves, families, and clergy, and sinners going to hell. The Blessed Mother said at Fatima if we do these things, listening to her requests, we would have peace. But the priests and the bishops must start preaching Fatima in every nook and cranny, the rosary too. They should be organizing massive rosary campaigns in every parish and urging all families to return to the rosary. Pope John Paul II , at Fulda, Germany in the early 80’s, warned about oceans flooding entire sections of the earth, and millions perishing from one moment to the next. “If there is a message in which it is said, oceans will flood entire sections of the earth, and millions will die from one moment to the next, then there is no point in wanting to publish this secret message.” (Regarding the 3rd Secret). We do not agree there is no need to publish it. Malachi Martin, who had read the secret in Rome, said it would bring millions back to confession. The pope went on to say, clutching his rosary, “Here is the answer. Put everything in the hands of the Mother of God.” Her message to Enzo Alocci, many years ago, (which I still have copies of), she warned that only a quarter of mankind would survive in the coming great chastisement. From the book, WORLD ENSLAVEMENT OR PEACE, page24, “When pictures look alive, with movements free (television, movies), when ships like fishes swim beneath the sea (submarines), when men, outstripping birds can soar the sky (airplanes), then half the world deep drenched in blood shall die.” Quote from Fr. Paul Leonard
- Msgr Pacelli, before becoming Pope Pius XII, said, “I am worried about the Blessed Virgin’s message to Sr. Lucy of Fatima about the dangers that menace the Church, against the suicide of altering the faith, in her liturgy, her theology, and her soul.” Later as Pope he said, “The day the Church abandons her universal tongue (Latin) will be the day she returns to the catacombs.”
This document has a lot of information in it. A lot of it is not pleasant nor positive. Much of it is negative but St. Maximillian Kolbe said: “Know your enemy.” And in order to have electricity, you have to have positive and negative. We must be aware of the negative in order to do the positive, which is indicated above, prayer, penance etc, and also objecting to all these evils which have been foisted upon us in the liturgy. We must do what we can. One man can make a difference. Jesus did. Whoever receives this is welcome to make copies, publish, share, etc. We are living in most serious times. The chastisement of God is hanging over our heads. “Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth!” Apoc. (Revelation) 8:13.
Larry Wethington
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