Prayer: Dear Blessed Mother, please send the holy angels to watch over the Sacred Particles in all the churches where they give Communion in the hand from desecration and sacrilege, because the shepherds do not inform the sheep that they absolutely must look in their hands for Particles, lest fragments be dropped and Our Lord is trodden underfoot. “Have mercy on me, O God, for man has trodden me underfoot.” Psalm 55:2,
You would think, the clergy having been trained in the seminary to have a care for the Particles, would know to inform the people about the danger of Particles breaking off in their hands, and the absolute necessity of looking in their hands for Particles, lest they be dropped. But in 47 years I have yet to hear any mention of it from the pulpit. The Church for centuries used the paten under the chin to catch any fallen Hosts or Particles as a safeguard against desecration. Now, all the safeguards have been removed!
Father Nicholas Gruner, R.I.P, and Father Ronald Tangen, both warned and instructed their people to look in their hands for Particles. Fr. Gruner published the conditions laid down by Rome for the Indult of Communion in the hand. He explained the conditions and stressed that one of the conditions was that people were to look in their hands for Particles. He never gave Communion in the hand. Fr. Tangen was very adamant about instructing his people about the necessity of looking in the hand. He said, “You must look in your hand! That is God there in your hand! It can’t just be brushed off! It has to be consumed!” Now Bishop Athanasius Schneider has come out voicing his deep concern over the Particles, and he says, “Nobody complains.” Are the clergy so ignorant that they don’t know these things, or do they just not care?
Nourish your souls with good spiritual reading. Why does this article start out by recommending good spiritual reading? What does this have to do with Communion in the hand? Because Communion in the hand is actually only an Indult, and is not the law of the Church, but the way it’s been imposed upon the faithful, it appears to be the law of the Church. Yet, Pope Paul VI said in Memoriale Domini, “The traditional manner of receiving is to be retained,” that of receiving on the tongue, and this, just a few short years before the Indult was given in 1977. Spiritual reading enlightens and inspires the soul to know God and to love him. St. Jerome said, “When we pray we speak to God; when we read, God speaks to us.” And St. Padre Pio once said, “I am horrified at the damage done to souls by their failure to read good holy books.” But Communion in the hand is a very grave matter because of the desecration and sacrileges which are committed against our Lord, especially in the Sacred particles that break off in people’s hands, and almost no one looks in their hands for Particles, secondly, because of the irreverence from touching the Host with unconsecrated hands, according to St. Thomas Acquinas, “Nothing touches it except what is consecrated…” I would recommend to all who read this to read COMMUNION IN THE HAND AND SIMILAR FRAUDS by Michael Davies, a distinguished author on the liturgy. Also, Bishop Alonso Laise’ book COMMUNION IN THE HAND – DOCUMENTS AND HISTORY, which confirms what Mr. Davies wrote in his book. The findings will surprise you if you are taking Communion in the hand. They did me. Also, from what has already been said, if you are one of those who take Communion in the hand, it would be wise to go back to the traditional manner of receiving on the tongue, for this is the more reverent way of receiving, and without danger of disrespecting Our Lord. If you insist on continuing in the hand, you absolutely must look in your hands for Particles, and you must look carefully for they are small and hard to see. Know that if you do receive in the hand and you let a Particle fall, you will be held accountable because you could have chosen the safer route. A prudent man chooses the safer course, and you don’t want to be guilty of letting a Particle slip on the floor and be trodden underfoot by the person following you!
Below is an image of Our Lady of Akita, Japan, with full approbation of the Church. In the 1970’s this holy image wept tears 101 times. Also on Mother Angelica’s show in the 90’s , she was speaking with a gentleman from Japan, and they were noting that Mary’s right hand actually bled, while Sr. Sasagawa’s left hand bled. Mother Angelica questioned if this may have been a sign from the Blessed Mother of her displeasure with Communion in the hand. Because usually the minister distributes with the right hand, and the recipient receives with the left hand.
In the tradition of the Church in former times, only the consecrated hands of a priest, or possibly deacon would distribute the Host, because St. Thomas Acquinas taught, ”that nothing touches it except what is consecrated.” Pay attention to what St. Thomas just said. He said, If your hands are not consecrated, then out of reverence, you should not be touching the Host. Out of reverence. If it is out of reverence that we do not touch the Host, then it logically follows that if we do touch it, we are being irreverent to Our Blessed Lord. So, according to what the Church has taught in the past, is it at least a venial sin to touch the Host when we could be receiving on the tongue? But you say, “But the Church has given us permission to receive in the hand.” Yes, and the Church also allows great immodesty and all kinds of talking in the Church. Is that okay? They allow immodest women to come up to receive Holy Communion at every Sunday Mass. Is that okay? Fr. Nicholasd Gruner stated, “Communion in the hand is only an Indult, with certain conditions attached if one is going to receive that way. The conditions are not being followed. One of the conditions is that people are supposed to look in their hands for Particles, and they are not doing so.” That one condition alone shows the Indult is not being obeyed. But let us look at an example in the Old Testament regarding something sacred, that was forbidden by God to be touched, out of reverence. ”And when they came to the floor of Chidon, Oza put forth his hand, to hold up the ark, for the ox being wanton, had made it lean a little on one side. And the Lord was angry with Oza, and struck him, because he had touched the ark; and he died there before the Lord. ” 1 Paralipomenon 13:10. You see, the ark was very holy, and they were forbidden to touch it, even when it was falling, and God killed Oza for touching the ark. Consider then, when you touch the Host with unconsecrated hands, what St. Thomas Acquinas taught, “Nothing touches it except what is consecrated.” The ark was holy but finite; Jesus if infinitely holy, and God.
Now, unconsecrated hands of people and Extraordinary ministers are touching the Hosts, and not looking in their hands for Particles. In the traditional Rite, the paten is still used to catch any fallen Hosts or Particles. These safeguards have been eliminated by the new church. Why did they take the paten away? I myself have seen Particles on the paten when Father Tucker used to give out Communion at the Communion rail. How many thousands of Particles are falling out of people’s hands because no one ever looks in their hands for Particles? However, Fr. Nicholas Gruner and Fr. Ronald Tangen both informed their people they were required to look in their hands for Particles, lest Particles be dropped. Fr. Gruner stated that ”If a Particle is dropped, a sacrilege has been committed , whether knowingly or unknowlingly. ” This may be the reason our Blessed Mother allegedly told Fr. Stephano Gobbi, ”It can now be said that there is not a Eucharistic celebration where sacrileges are not committed.” And, if Particles are falling from people’s hands, and people next in line are stepping on them, then the prophecy of David in Psalms 55:2 is literally being fulfilled: “Have mercy on me, O God, for man has trodden me underfoot.” Think about this, Reverend Fathers, when you give Communion in the hand, and you do not inform the people, you are guilty for their negligence, and will be held accountable on the day of judgement for all the Particles that were desecrated because of it. There was a story reported in Soul magazine in 1985 of a priest from purgatory complaining that he had given Communion in the hand. If you are a Novus Ordo Catholic taking Communion in the hand, how does that make you feel? And how does it make you feel , thinking you yourself may be trodding Our Lord underfoot from the person in front of you? We did not have these concerns when everyone went to the altar rail! Thanks to our bishops! If I sound indignant, I am. As St. Alphonsus said, “Jesus is the Son of a very good Father. We should treat him better.” And what about you Reverend Fathers? Why have you not instructed every man, woman and child that they must make sure there are not Particles in their hands broken off from the Hosts, and if there is, they must consume them? That’s why Fr. Ronald Tangen told his people, “That is God there in your hand! You can’t just brush it off! It must be consumed!” This is why, going to a traditional Mass, where everyone kneels like they are supposed to,(other than those not able), everyone receives on the tongue, the paten is used under the chin, and a person can walk back from Communion with no concerns about trodding Our Lord underfoot because someone received him in their hand without checking for Particles. All the safeguards are in place yet, millions of Catholics have left the true Church since the new Mass was introduced. You will find almost all these abuses in the notes of the communist infiltrator, AA 1025 – MEMOIRS OF AN ANTI-APOSTLE. Is it any wonder then that Pope Pius XII, when a monsignor, said he was worried about Our lady of Fatima’s persistent warning about the suicide of changing the liturgy?
Another very grave and valid concern is the ease with which Hosts can be stolen by Communion in the hand. This is now a serious problem. We know of one case in Louisville, Ky where a woman was caught stealing Hosts. She came in the church one day at a weekday Mass, and flopped down in the pew like a wallflower. No kneeling, no participation, no nothing. A gentleman in the back began to observe her and to be suspicious. He continued to watch her go up to Holy Communion but he wasn’t certain she didn’t consume the Host, but from what he could tell, she probably didn’t. But he didn’t think to follow her out. He alerted the priest. A few weeks later she came in. The gentleman was there and started observing her again. This time he was prepared. He followed her out and told her, “You are supposed to consume the Host.” Unfortunately she still had the Host in her hand. It frightened her and she consumed it. He warned her never to come back, and she has not been back since. He alerted the priest again, and let him know she was carrying off the Hosts. He was a very wise and conservative priest. Needless to say, he no longer gives Communion in the hand! There was one lady who used to come to church quite frequently, yet very, very immodest. She would always go up to Holy Communion, and the clergy would never refuse her!!! What in the name of heaven is wrong with the clergy? The Holy Bible says those who come in improperly dressed are to be removed from the church? You will also verify this on the site, which has the Norms for proper dress in church. And Jesus said, ”Give not that which is holy to dogs.” Why are the clergy giving Holy Communion to women who are in manifest sin by their indecent dress? Fr. Charles Schoenbaechler would only give Communion to those kneeling and on the tongue. If a woman came up improperly dressed, he would lean over and whisper in her ear, “Go home and get dressed. Then come back.”
When Mama Rosa was receiving messages from Our Blessed Mother in the 1960’s, they took a picture of the statue of our Blessed Mother there. When the picture came back, it had a Host at Mary’s mouth, a black mark through one arm, and a white mark through the other. Mama Rosa explained: “The Host at the mouth means Mary wants us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue. The black mark means adults should not take Communion in the hand. The white mark means we should not give it to little children in the hand. The little children are not culpable, but the grownups are.” Pope Paul VI in his encyclical said, “It is an act of reverence to receive on the tongue.” And also he stated, “The traditional manner is to be retained.” Fr. Gruner explained that on the tongue is still the law of the Church. Communion in the hand is only an Indult, with conditions attached. And if the conditions are not being followed, then Communion in the hand is actually a disobedience to the Holy See. If this disobedience persists when one knows the truth, then they are schismatic.
I’m looking at a paper here quoting Bishop Juan Rodolfo Laise, who wrote a book COMMUNION IN THE HAND – DOCUMENTS AND HISTORY ,wherein he states: “With Communion in the hand, a miracle would be required during each distribution of Communion to avoid some Particles from falling to the ground or remaining in the hand of the faithful.” How did we get to this point? Through the communist infiltration of the clergy. AA 1025 – MEMOIRS OF AN ANTI-APOSTLE is a book about one of the agents who was killed in a car accident in Rome in the 60’s and a Catholic nurse found his notes and got them published. Many of his ideas are now in the new Mass, the Novus Ordo. Here is what he says about Communion in the hand: ”Moreover, the faithful will have to break themselves of the habit of kneeling, and this will be absolutely forbidden when receiving Communion. Very soon, the Host will be laid in the hand, in order that all notion of the Sacred be erased.” page 111. The next paragraph he talks about Communion under both Species. I would advise our bishops and clergy, also the laity to inform themselves. Read Bishop Laise’ book mentioned above. Also the Memoirs just quoted from. In the back, Msrg Ira Bourassa from Canada says, “Three times I have read AA-1025 written by Marie Carre’. I believe it my duty to invite all Catholics to read this book, if they wish to understand clearly what the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI , wishes to say when he puts Catholics on guard against the auto-demolition of the Church, that is to say, its destruction from within.” If you wonder where all the corruption in the Church came from, it came from the communist infiltration, and the freemasons. One other book I encourage you to read is THE OTTAVIANNI INTERVENTION. It was a critique of the New Mass of Pope Paul VI by none other than Cardinal Ottavianni, Head of the Holy Office, along with Cardinal Bacci, and several other theologians. They warned Pope Paul VI that it would be an incalculable error to bring in the New Mass, but he wouldn’t listen. And now, millions of Catholics have lost the true faith since then, just as Our Lady of Fatima predicted in the 3rd Secret, a great apostasy. And what did Jesus warn about those who would not hear the Church? “And if he will not hear the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen and the publican.” St. Matthew 18:17.
Something else to consider, our hands are not consecrated. God oftentimes gives us signs to show us what we need to do, and to confirm the truth. If you think it’s okay to take Communion in the hand, what about the two ladies with Black Hands who were Extraordinary ministers? See the article: Black Hands! –
Below is an image of Our Lady at Akita, Japan. Besides shedding tears 101 times, at one point the right hand of our Blessed Mother started actually bleeding, while the left hand of Sr. Sasagawa started bleeding. They said it was to show the Blessed Mother’s disapproval of Communion in the hand. Because the priest usually distributes with the right hand into the left hand of the recipient. May the Blessed Mother send the good angels to all the churches where they give Communion in the hand, to watch over the Sacred Particles from desecration and sacrilege. For more information on Communion on the tongue, I refer you to the July 2022 post, CHURCH QUOTES ON COMMUNION IN THE HAND. “ON THE TONGUE-AN APOSTOLEC TRADITION.”-TRENT, or this short link:
Now, let us move on to the very grave warnings of Jesus and Mary to Sr. Elena Aiello. Fr. Ronald Tangen informs us that her messages have an Imprimatur, and and the approbation of her bishop.

Monsignor Cioffi, the translator of her biography and friend of Sister Elena, sent these previously
unpublished prophecies of Sister Elena to the late Steven Oraze, Editor of the edifying Catholic newspaper, “Divine Love” which was produced by the Apostolate of Christian Action in Fresno, California. At first Monsignor Cioffi was nervous about publishing the messages because they were so strong and thought that people wouldn’t accept them. Mr. Oraze took them to his Bishop who gave them the Imprimatur and he published them. At that time, “Divine Love” contained the only public printing of these messages. The “Divine Love”staff received direct confirmations from Heaven that they were to publish the messages more than once for all the world to see. It is now clear that they are more relevant now than ever before. Here they are taken directly from this newspaper.

“Upon initiating the usual sufferings, about the hour of 1:00 p.m., Jesus appeared to me, covered with wounds and bleeding, saying to me:
‘Behold my child, see to what ends the sins of man have reduced me. The world has lowered itself in overflowing corruption. The governments of the peop1e have risen like demons incarnated, and, while they speak of peace they prepare for war with the most devastating implements to destroy peoples and nations. Men have become ungrateful to My Sacred Heart, and abusing My Mercy, have transformed the earth into a scene of crime’.
‘Numerous scandals are bringing souls to ruin particularly through the corruption of youth. Stirred up, and unrestrained in the enjoyment of the pleasures of the world, they have degraded their spirit in corruption and sin. The bad example of parents trains the family in scandal and infidelity, instead of virtue and prayer, which is almost dead on the lips of many. Stained and withered is the fountain of faith and sanctity the home’.
‘The wills of men do not change. They live in their obstinacy of sin. More severe are the scourges and plagues to recall them to the way of God; but men still become furious, like wounded beasts (and harden their hearts against the Grace of God). The world is no longer worthy of pardon, but only of fire, destruction and death’.
‘There must be more prayers and penances from the souls faithful to Me, in order to appease the just wrath of God, and to temperate the just sentence of punishment, SUSPENDED on earth by the intercession of My Beloved Mother, who is also the Mother of all men’.
‘Oh! how sad is My Heart to see that men do not convert (or respond) to so many calls of love and grief, manifested by My Beloved Mother to errant men. Roaming in darkness, they continue to live in sin, and further away from God! But the scourge of fire is near, to purify the earth of the iniquities of the wicked. The justice of God requires reparation for the many offenses and misdeeds that cover the earth, and which can no longer be compromised. Men are obstinate in their guilt, and do not return to God’.
‘The Church is opposed, and the priests are despised because of the bad ones who give scandal. Help Me, by suffering, to repair for so many offenses, and thus save AT LEAST IN PART, humanity precipitated in a slough of corruption and death’.
‘Make it known to all men that, repentant, they must return to God, and, in doing so, may hope for pardon, and be saved from the just vengeance of a scorned God’.
“In so saying Our Lord God disappeared. Then the Madonna appeared to me. She was dressed in black, with seven swords piercing Her Immaculate Heart. Coming closer, with an expression of profound sorrow, and with tears on her cheeks, she spoke to me, saying: ‘Listen attentively, and reveal to all:
‘My Heart is sad for so many sufferings in an impending world in ruin. The justice of Our Father is most offended. Men live in their obstinacy of sin. The wrath of God is near. Soon the world will be afflicted with great calamities, bloody revolutions, frightful hurricanes, and the overflowing of streams and the seas’.
‘Cry out until the priests of God lend their ears to my voice, to advise men that the time is near at hand, and if men do not return to God with prayers and penances, the world will be overturned in a new and more terrible war. Arms most deadly will destroy peoples and nations! The dictators of the earth, specimens infernal, will demolish the churches and desecrate the Holy Eucharist, and will destroy things most dear. In this impious war, much will be destroyed of that which has been built by the hands of man’.
‘Be not silent, my daughter, because the hours of darkness, of abandonment, are near. ‘I am bending over the world, holding in suspension the justice of God. OTHERWISE THESE THINGS WOULD ALREADY HAVE NOW COME TO PASS. Prayers and penances are necessary because men MUST RETURN TO GOD and to My Immaculate Heart—the Mediatrix of men to God, and thus THE WORLD WILL BE AT LEAST IN PART SAVED’.
‘Cry out these things to all, like the very echo of my voice. Let this be known to all, because it will help save many souls, and prevent much destruction in the Church and in the world’.
“The Blessed Mother, lovely and majestic, but with tears on her cheeks, spoke: ‘My daughter, it is thy Mother speaking to thee, Listen attentively, and make known all that I tell thee, because men, in spite of repeated warnings, are not returning to God. They refuse grace, and are not listening to my voice. You must have no doubt about what I am making known to you, because my words are very clear, and you must transmit them to all.’
‘DARK AND FRIGHTFUL DAYS ARE APPROACHING! Mankind is obscured by a thick fog, as aresult of the many grievous sins, which are well nigh covering the whole earth. Today, more than ever, men are, resisting the calls from Heaven, and are blaspheming God, while wallowing in the mire of sin’.
‘My daughter, look upon my Heart pierced by the thorns of so many sins; my face, disfigured by sorrow; my eyes, filled with tears. The cause of such great sadness is the sight of so many souls going to Hell, and because the Church is wounded – inwardly and outwardly’.
‘The rulers of nations make so much ado and speak of peace. But instead, the whole world will soon be at war, and all mankind will he plunged into sorrow, be cause the justice of God will not be delayed in fulfilling its course, and these events are near. Tremendous will be the upheaval of the whole world, because men — as at the time of the Deluge — have lost God’s way, and are ruled by the spirit of Satan’.
‘Priests must unite by prayers and penance. They must hasten to spread the devotion to the Two Hearts. The hour of my triumph is close at hand. The victory will be accomplished through the love and mercy of the Heart of My Son, and of My Immaculate Heart the Mediatrix between men and God, By accepting this invitation, and by uniting their tears to those of My Sorrowful Heart, priests and religious will obtain great graces for the salvation of poor sinners’.
SCOURGE IS NEAR AT HAND, The justice of God is weighing upon the world. Mankind, defiled in the mire, soon will be washed in its own blood, by disease; by famine; by earthquakes; by cloudbursts, tornadoes, floods, and terrible storms; and by war. But men ignore all these warnings, and are unwilling to be convinced that my tears (Weeping Madonna of Sicily?), are plain signs to serve notice that tragic events are hanging over the world, and that the hours of great trials are at hand’.
‘If men do not amend their ways, a terrifying scourge of fire will come down from Heaven upon all the nations of the world, and men will be punished according to the debts contracted with Divine justice. There will be frightful moments for all, because Heaven will be joined with the earth, and all the un-Godly people will be destroyed, SOME NATIONS WILL BE PURIFIED, WHILE OTHERS WILL DISAPPEAR ENTIRELY’.
You are to transmit these warnings to all, in order that the new generation will know that men had been warned in time to turn to God by doing penance, and thus could have avoided these punishments’.
But when will all this come about?’ I asked Our Lady.” ‘My daughter,’ answered the Blessed Mother, ‘the time is not far off. When men least expect it, the course of Divine Justice will be accomplished’.
‘My Heart is so big for poor sinners, and I make use of every possible means that they may be saved. Look at this mantle, how big it is. If I were not bent over the earth to cover all with my maternal love, the tempest of fire would have already broken upon the nations of the world!’
“Then I exclaimed, ‘My lovely Mother, never before have I seen thee with such a large mantle.’ The Blessed Virgin, holding her arms wide, answered:”
‘This is the mantle of mercy for all those who, having repented, come back to My Immaculate Heart. See? The right hand holds the mantle to cover and to save poor sinners, while with the left hand I hold back the Divine Justice, so that the time of Mercy may still be prolonged.’
‘To help me in this, I ask that the prayer, MATERNAL REFUGE, be spread as a most useful means to obtain graces and salvation for poor sinners, Say often with your arms crossed:
Sister Elena Aiello asked Our Blessed Mother: “What will become of Italy? Will Rome be saved?”
“The Madonna answered:” ‘In part, by the Pope. The Church will be in travail, but the forces of Hell cannot prevail! You must suffer for the Pope and Christ, and thus Christ will be safe on earth; and the Pope, with his redemptive word, will, in part, save the world.’
“And all this fire,” concluded the Madonna, “is not that which will fall from the hands of men, but will be hurled directly from the Angels (at the time of the great chastisement or purification that will come upon the earth). Therefore I ask prayers, penance and sacrifice, so I may act as Mediatrix for my Son in order to save souls.”
“The Madonna then came closer, and with a sad expression, showed me the flames of Hell. She said:” ‘Satan reigns and triumphs on earth! See how the souls are falling into Hell. See how high the flames are, and the souls who fall into them like flakes of snow, looking like transparent embers! How many sparks! How many cries of hate, and of despair! How much pain!’
‘See how many priestly souls! Look at the sign of their consecration in their transparent hands! (In the palms of their hands the sign of the cross, in more vivid fire, could clearly be seen!) What torture, my daughter, in my maternal Heart! Great is my sorrow to see that men do not change! The justice of the Father requires reparation — otherwise many will be lost!’
“See how Russia will burn!” Before my eyes there extended an immense field covered with flames and smoke, in which souls were submerged as if in a sea of fire.
GOOD FRIDAY (March 23) 1961The Madonna speaks: “My daughter, the scourge is near. Much is spoken of peace, but all the world will soon be at war, and the streets will be stained with blood! No gleam of light is seen in the world, because men live in the darkness of error, and the enormous weight of sin angers the justice of God.”
“All nations will be punished, because sin has spread all over the world! Tremendous will be the
punishments, because man has arrived at an insupportable contest with his God and Father, and has exasperated His infinite Goodness!”
“My heart bleeds for Italy also, which will be safe only in part for the Pope! Oh!, what grief to see the representative of Christ on earth hated, persecuted, outraged!”
“He, who is the Spiritual Father of the people, the defender of the Faith and of truth, whose face, radiant with light, shines upon the world, is greatly hated.”
“He, who personifies Christ on earth, doing good for all, becomes thus outraged with impunity!”
“Many iniquitous and wicked leaders of the people, who live and drag along with them their people outside the laws of God, showing themselves in sheep’s’ clothing, while being rapacious wolves, have ruined society, stirring it up against God and His Church.”
“How can the world be saved, from the disaster that is about to crash down upon the misleading nations, if man does not repent of his errors and failings? The only salvation is a complete repentance and return to God, and a true devotion to my Immaculate Heart, particularly in the daily recitation of my Rosary.”
“Once there was the chastisement by water, but if there is not a returning to God, there will come the chastisement by fire, which will cover the streets of the world with blood.”
“My daughter, cry out loudly, and let it be known to all, that, if they do not return to God, Italy too, will only in part be safe for the Pope.”
“My heart of Mother, and Mediatrix of men, close to the mercy of God, invites, with many manifestations and many signs, the people to penance and to pardon. But they respond with a storm of hate, blasphemies and sacrilegious profanations, as if blinded by an infernal rage. I wish prayers and penance, in order that I may again obtain mercy and salvation for many souls — otherwise they will be lost.”
Our Blessed Mother speaks: “The world today is honoring me, but my Motherly Heart is bleeding, because the enemy is at our doors! Men are offending God too much! If I were to show you the number of sins committed in a single day, you would die of horror and sorrow! The sins that distress God the most, are those of the souls who should perfume the air with the fragrance of their virtues. Instead, they contaminate (by their sinful lives) those who come near them.”
“The times are grievous. The whole world is in turmoil, because IT HAS BECOME WORSE THAN AT THE TIME OF THE DELUGE!”
“Everything is in suspense, like a thread; when this thread breaks, the justice of God will fall like a thunderbolt and will complete its terrible course of purification.”
Sister Elena asked, “What will become of Italy?”
The Virgin Mary answered: “Italy, my daughter, will be humiliated, purified in blood, and must suffer much, because many are the sins of this beloved country, seat of the Vicar of Christ. You cannot imagine what will happen! In those sad days there will be much anguish and weeping. There will be a great revolution, and streets will be red with blood.”
“The Pope will suffer much, and all this suffering will be like an agony, which will shorten his earthly pilgrimage. His successor will guide the boat in the tempest.”
“However the punishment of the impious will not be delayed. That day will be most fearful in the world! The earth will tremble, all humanity will be shaken! The wicked and the obstinate will perish in the tremendous severity of the justice of the Lord.”
“Launch at once a message into the world, to advise men to return to God by prayers and penances, and to come with confidence to my Immaculate Heart. My intercession must be shown, because I am the Mother of God, of the just, and of sinners. Through prayer and penance, my mercy will be able to hold back the hand of God’s justice.”
Jesus, dripping with blood and with painful and suffering look, said: “Do you wish to unite with Me in My agony? See how much I suffer! The sins of men have reduced me to this! What bitterness is poured into this Heart, pierced by many souls, who instead of loving me with sacrifices, and in flight from sinful vanities of the corrupt world, commit much iniquity.”
“Help me to suffer by consoling my grieved Heart, and make reparation for the many sins. Oh my beloved bride, if you knew the pain that my Heart suffers from the loss of so many souls! Satan travels victorious over all the sinful earth. I need generous souls to appease the outraged justice of the Father, because the world is headed for imminent ruin. The hours of darkness are near!”
“Then, the Madonna appeared to me, sad and shedding tears. She said”: ‘This great mantle which you see, is the expression of my mercy for covering sinners and for saving them. Men, instead, cover themselves with even more filth, and do not want to confess their real faults. Therefore, the justice of God will pass over the sinful world to purify humanity for so many sins, openly committed and hidden, especially those which corrupt youth.’
‘In order to save souls, I wish that there be propagated in the world the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mediatrix of men, devoted to the Mercy of God, and to the Queen of the Universe.’
‘The world will be once more afflicted with great calamity; with bloody revolutions; with great earthquakes; with famines; with epidemics; with fearful hurricanes; and with floods from rivers and seas. But if men do not return to God, purifying fire will fall from the Heavens, like snowstorms, on all peoples, and a great part of humanity will be destroyed!’
‘No longer do men speak according to the true spirit of the Gospel. The immorality of the times has ‘reached a peak. But men do not listen to my motherly warnings, so the world must soon be purified.’
For more information on her holy life;
‘RUSSIA WILL MARCH UPON ALL THE NATIONS OF EUROPE, PARTICULARLY ITALY, AND WILL RAISE HER FLAG OVER THE DOME OF ST. PETER’S. Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity! The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope must suffer greatly.’
‘The only valid means for placating Divine Justice is to pray and do penance, returning to God with sincere sorrow for the faults committed, and then the chastisement of Divine Justice will be mitigated by mercy. Humanity will never find peace, if it does not return to my Immaculate Heart as Mother of Mercy, and Mediatrix of men; and to the Heart of my Son Jesus!’
GOOD FRIDAY — 1960The Madonna speaks: “How youth lives in perdition! How many innocent souls find themselves enwrapped in a chain of scandals. The world has become as a flooded valley, overflowing with filth and mud. Some of the most difficult trials of Divine Justice are yet to come, before the deluge of fire.”
“I, for a long time, have advised men in many ways, but they do not listen to my maternal appeals, and they continue to walk the paths of perdition. But soon terrifying manifestations will be seen, which will make even the most obdurate sinners tremble!”
“Great calamities will come upon the world, which will bring confusion, tears, struggles and pain. Great earthquakes will swallow up entire cities and countries, and will bring epidemics, famine, and terrible destruction ESPECIALLY WHERE THE SONS OF DARKNESS ARE, (pagan or anti-God nations).”
“In these tragic hours, the world has need of prayers and penance, because the Pope, the priests, and the Church are in danger. If we do not pray, Russia will march upon all of Europe, and particularly upon Italy, bringing much more ruin and havoc! Hence the priests must be in the front line of defense of the Church, by example and sanctity in life, for materialism is breaking forth in all nations and evil prevails over good.”
“The rulers of the people do not understand this, because they do not have the Christian spirit; in their blindness, do not see the truth.”
“In Italy, some leaders like rapacious wolves in sheep’s’ clothing, while calling themselves Christians — open the door to materialism, and, fostering dishonest actions, will bring Italy to ruin; but many of them, too, will fall in confusion.”
“Propagate the devotions to my Immaculate Heart, of Mother of Mercy, Mediatrix of men, who believe in the mercy of God, and of the Queen of the Universe.”
“I will manifest my partiality for Italy, which will be preserved from the fire, but the skies will be covered with dense darkness, and the earth will be shaken by fearful earthquakes which will open deep abysses. Provinces and cities will be destroyed, and all will cry out that the end of the world has come! Even Rome will be punished according to justice for its many and serious sins, because here sin has reached its peak.”
“Pray, and lose no time, lest it be too late; since dense darkness surrounds the earth and the enemy is at the doors!”
“O Jesus, I offer this for love of Thee, for the conversion of poor sinners, and in reparation for all the sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”

FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE HEART – August 22, 1960The Madonna speaks: “The hour of the justice of God is close, and will be terrible!”
“Tremendous scourges are impending over the world, and various nations are struck by epidemics, famines, great earthquakes, terrific hurricanes, with overflowing rivers and seas, which bring ruin and death.”
“If the people do not recognize in these scourges (of nature) the warnings of Divine Mercy, and do not return to God with truly Christian living, ANOTHER TERRIBLE WAR WILL COME FROM THE EAST TO THE WEST. RUSSIA WITH HER SECRET ARMIES WILL BATTLE AMERICA; WILL OVERRUN EUROPE.
The river Rhine will be overflowing with corpses and blood. Italy, also, will be harassed by a great revolution, and the Pope will suffer terribly.”
“Spread the devotion to my Immaculate Heart, in order that many souls maybe conquered by my love and that many sinners may return to my Maternal Heart. Do not fear, for I will accompany with my maternal protection my faithful ones, and all those who accept my urgent warnings, and they — especially by the recitations of my Rosary — will be saved.”
“Satan goes furiously through this disordered world, and soon will show all his might. But, because of my Immaculate Heart, the triumph of Light will not delay in its triumph over the power of darkness, and the world, finally, will have tranquility and peace.”
The Sorrowful Madonna speaks: “People pay no attention to my motherly warnings, and thus the world is falling headlong evermore into an abyss of iniquity. Nations shall be convulsed by terrible disasters, causing destruction and death.
”They are kicking the pope. What a horrible scene!”
But the day is not far off when all the wicked shall perish, under the tremendous blows of Divine Justice.” |
“Russia, spurred on by Satan, will seek to dominate the whole world and, by bloody revolutions, will propagate her false teachings throughout all the nations, especially in Italy. The Church will be persecuted and the Pope and the priests shall suffer much.”
Sister Elena Aiello speaks: “Oh, what a horrible vision I see! A great revolution is going on in Rome! They are entering the Vatican. The Pope is all alone; he s praying. They are holding the Pope. They take him by force. They knock him down to the floor. They are tying him. Oh, God! Oh God! They are kicking him. What a horrible scene! How dreadful!”
“Our Blessed Mother is drawing near. Like corpses those evil men fall down to the floor. Our Lady helps the Pope to his feet and, taking him by the arm, she covers him with her mantle saying: ‘Fear not!’
“Flagstaffs (flying the Red flag over St. Peter’s dome and elsewhere) collapse, and power is gone out of the clubs of those evil brutes. These atheists are ever shouting: ‘We don’t want God to rule over us; we want Satan to be our master!’
Our Blessed Mother speaks again: “My daughter, Rome will not be saved, because the Italian rulers have forsaken the Divine Light and because only a few people really love the Church. But the day is not far off when all the wicked shall perish, under the tremendous blows of Divine Justice.”
As you may have noticed, our Blessed Mother said, “If men’s sins continue to increase, disturbances of nature will also increase.” See the video: 50 Most Horrific Natural Disasters Ever Caught On Camera – (68) 50 Most Horrific Natural Disasters Ever Caught On Camera – YouTube
For the Norms on proper and modest dress, I refer you to the site Also the mandate issued by Pope Pius Xi in 1930: A PAPAL DECREE CONCERNING MODESTY – Pope Pius XI, 1930,
“In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin.” Eccleciasticus 7:40.
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